- 1 VPC -
- 2 public subnets -,
- 2 private subnets -,
- 1 internet gateway
- 5 route tables - 1 for VPC default, 2 for each public subnets, 2 for each private subnets
- 1 dhcp options set
- 1 Gateway endpoint - To access S3 via PrivateLink
- 1 S3 Bucket
- 1 S3 Bucket Policy - Allow VPC Endpoint access
- 1 S3 Bucket acl block - Block public access
- 2 Instances on each Public subnet : Working as a proxy for private subnet instnace to access Public internet(Also working as a SSH bastion to access private subnet instance. I added for testing purpose)
- Configured Squid for proxy feature.
- Perform domain whitelisting. Only allow access to https://*.google.com from Private instance.
- For example, http://google.com will denied by Squid. But https://google.com will work.
- I wanted Squid to perform redirect http request to https but currently not working as I intended.
- (Need more research for Squid)
- 2 Instances on each Private subnet : Each instance can only access https://google.com
- Caution : google.com will not work.
AWS Blog (Originally implemented with AWS CloudFormation) - How to add DNS filtering to your NAT instance with Squid