url shortening service written in go
There is a hosted instance of this project managed by myself (aultimus) available at sh.foobarcat.com.
- For the shortened URLs using base64 encoding, a 6 letter long key has been chosen granting 64^6 possible values (over 68 billion)
- This is a userless service so there will be no delete functionality and a second user requesting the same link will receive the same value as the first
- Our data consists of many small files, it is non-relational and read heavy. Dynamodb offers a low-effort managed solution which fits these criteria, thus it has been chosen as our datastore. We can always set a cache up in front of this if performance is insufficient.
- A URL, when MD5summed and base64 encoded results in a string of length 24 (144 bit), each character having 64 possible values. Thus there are 64^24 possible values for an md5sum hash. In truncating this string to six characters (32 bit) we are reducing the hash space to 64^6 possible values. Assuming an equal distribution of urls to hash buckets, when we get 30,084 entries we have a collision probability of 1 in 10 and when we have 77163 entries in our db we have a collision probability of 1 in 2. This collision factor is likely unworkable for large numbers of users, the alternative would be to use A) Longer shortened URLs or B) a Map Reduce job to iterate through and store all possible keys with a cache for each application providing a subset, that approach is considered as a potential extension to this project.
Test averaged 50 requests per collision level to instance running in aws. It looks like collisions are only going to be a problem for a large number of users so this can be a later optimisation after we have the front end and other features up.
go run shortly/main.go
Runs a webserver listening on port 8080
Alternatively you can use build.sh and run.sh scripts to build and run the app in a docker image
After building, run push.sh to run the docker image to ECR, and then upload Dockerrun.aws.json from the root directory of this project to the aws EB console.
A website is served at the domain root for use by humans. A JSON API exists for programatically interfacing with the service, that JSON API is detailed below
/v1/create endpoint
curl localhost:8080/v1/create -d '{"original_url": "http://foobarcat.blogspot.com"}'
/v1/redirect/{url} endpoint
equivalent to /{url} endpoint but provides parsable json response.
curl http://localhost:8080/v1/redirect/foo
{"original_url":"","error":"could not find key foo"}
- add access via api key so that we are not vulnerable to malicious url creating attacks whereby our whole short url space is filled up
- add optional alias to create api
- Monitoring of popularity of URLs
- Inject dynamodb creds into docker container
- Rate limiting of clients
- Add handler for calls to favicon.ico
- Vendor deps
- Enable previews via a subdomain e.g. preview.sh.foobarcat.com which provides info on the redirect