This coding quiz is designed to new developers easily learn coding terminology. It will prompt users with a start page, a "show highscores" button, and a timer. Once the start button is clicked, the first question will appear and the timer will add 15 seconds per question and begin counting down. Users must quickly answer questions before the time runs out, but they must also choose carefully. Every incorrect answer given will result in 30 seconds being removed from the timer. For each correct answer, no time is subtracted, and one point is added to the final total. Once the quiz is complete or the timer runs out, the user is presented with a form showing their total score and a box for the user to enter initials. Once intials have been entered, the score + initials will be recorded in local storage and will display on the leaderboard, in descending order.
Live link:
Repo link:
This was definitely the biggest challenge so far in this course. The start page, button, and timer were all pretty straightforward. I ran into some trouble with adding and removing classes via Javascript. I was putting some divs into bigger containers that still had the "hide" class attached. I also ran into trouble with my class and id names. I actually used the same id for different things on two different occasions and needed another set of eyes to figure out why nothing was working.
Storing the information was pretty simple, but adding those values to javascript-created elements gave me some trouble. Eventually, with help from a few different sources, I was able to iron out most of my issues. Overall, from where I started at on this project, I am thrilled with how it turned out.
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