Bert as A Service, Elmo and Precomputed Vector encoders
Given a list of go terms and go definitions, use the code in this folder to get GO encoders for each term with dim 768. It uses the same method as Bert as a service, where we take the 11th layer of the output of the bert transformer and average it over the sentence. Specifically to get a csv file of the final encoders for the GO terms, run The final file is saved as bertAsServiceVecs.csv with the first column being the name of the go term and the second term being the encoding of the go_term.
To run:
use a csv file with the same structure as go_def_in_obo.tsv and change go_def_in_obo.tsv in to whatever your csv file is named
switch the name of bert model in from fine_tune_lm_bioBERT to whatever folder your model is saved in.
If you want full length model with the 1024 dim, use However if you want a model that is reduced to 768 to be the same dimension of BERT, use