Core functionality for Aurelia's Hot Module Reload (HMR) capabilities, which is shared by all loaders and tools.
It enables editing Views, ViewModels, related components (such as ValueConverters and BindingBehaviors) and CSS without reloading the full website.
This library is part of the Aurelia platform and contains an implementation of Aurelia's loader interface to enable webpack.
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- decorators for ViewModels or maybe a one-time, global option
: instead of creating a new instance, just swap prototypes and delete non-existent properites swapping proto:
: unbind, make fresh BindingContext, Object.assign (no getters/setters) from old BindingContext, bind - by default all aurelia-loaded modules should be hot-reloadable, by unbinding and re-binding with a fresh BindingContext
- fully cycle unbind-create-bind when constructor has changed