- Ben Martin @bmartin2015
- Juan Zalles @zjuanz
- Matthias Haefeli @matthiashaefeli
- Rafael Lara @litola
This project helps facilitate final project pitches, voting, and group creation for Phase 3 DBC students.
Support admin and student accounts Students should be able to add a limited number of pitches Students should be able to vote on a limited number of pitches (Round 1) Admin should be able to see a listing of most voted on pitches (Round 1) Admin should be able to publish a subset of the most voted on pitches from round 1 for students to vote on Students should be able to vote on a limited number of the selected subset of pitches based on their preferences (Round 2) Admin should be able to create teams based on top selected pitches and student preferences Admin should be able to publish the final teams
Stretch: Import student emails from CSV file and create accounts for them Drag and drop interface for creating teams Visualize data with D3, HighCharts, etc