Load openstack config
. openstack-rc.sh
docker-compose up
To customise the docker-compose configuration it is also possible to export the env var COMPOSE_FILE. e.g.:
docker-compose -f file1.yaml -f file2.yaml
COMPOSE_FILE=file1.yaml:file2.yaml docker-compose up
or just export COMPOSE_FILE
UI is fairly simple. just stop the service and run your own. Everything is connected through localhost.
docker-compose stop workspace-ui
Clone the workspace-ui repository:
cd src
git clone git@github.com:ausecocloud/workspace-ui.git
cd ..
start up your own instance with code editing
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f src/docker-compose-workspace-ui.yaml up workspace-ui
Workspace-ui is a pure browser application and doesn't need any backend service itself. After stoping the container, it is possible to start up locally.
Init yarn project:
Start dev server:
yarn start
Clone the Workpsace repository:
cd src
git clone git@github.com:ausecocloud/workspace.git
cd ..
This set up will only mount the src/workspace/src/workspace folder into the container. If you make changes to files outside this folder, you'll have to rebuild the container.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f src/docker-compose-workspace.yaml build workspace
# stop current running workspace
docker-compose stop workspace
# start up workspace container again
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f src/docker-compose-workspace.yaml up workspace
# it may be necessary to remove any existing containers
docker-compose rm workspace
# run up container and drop into an interactive shell
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f src/docker-compose-workspace.yaml run --rm --service-ports --name workspace workspace bash
# Inside container start up workspace app. Doing it this way you'll be able to use pdb breakpoints.
# paster serve --reload /code/workspace/development.ini
This environment uses docker to spawn a notebook server. It may be necessary to pull the configured notebook image before JupyterHub is able to spawn a new notebook. See config/jupyterhub/profiles.yaml
for correct image names and tags.
docker pull hub.bccvl.org.au/jupyter/scipy-notebook:latest