A Durham Expunction and Restoration (DEAR) project for creating petition forms.
- DEAR Petition
- Production testing
git clone git@github.com:deardurham/dear-petition.git
cd dear-petition/
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose run --rm django python manage.py migrate
docker-compose run --rm django python manage.py createsuperuser
Try out DEAR Petition Generator by navigating to http://localhost:3000
, logging in as the superuser you created, and uploading an example CIPRS pdf which can be downloaded from the ciprs-reader test record directory.
This project supports using a Development Container, is based on the postgres template and enables several features, including python and node.
Before getting started, install Visual Studio Code with the Remote Development extension pack. See Developing inside a Container for additional information.
Build and start dev container: Using the VS Code Command Pallete (
), selectDev Containers: Reopen in Container
. -
Install Python and Node requirements:
# Update pip python -m pip install --upgrade pip # Install Python packages pip install --user -r requirements/local.txt # Install node packages npm install
Setup pre-commit: Install pre-commit to enforce a variety of community standards:
pre-commit clean pre-commit install
Prepare your environment: Run migrate and create a user for yourself:
python manage.py migrate python manage.py createsuperuser
Start dev server: Start the Django development server:
python manage.py runserver
Start Node dev server: Start the Node development server in a separate terminal:
npm run start
The user facing side of the DEAR Petition Generator is a React single page app (SPA). It is common to run the frontend locally while running the backend on docker.
Note: Node 18 is the minimum supported version for local frontend development
docker compose up -d django # run the backend via docker in the background
npm i
npm run start
The Petition Generator app uses a React frontend with a Django REST API backend. In the development environment, the React development server and Django backend will likely be hosted on different ports, and thus hosted on different urls. This causes issues when the frontend code sends API requests, such as a login request. The solution is to proxy the API requests to the url of the backend.
When the frontend is run using docker, the API_PROXY
environment variable is set to http://django:8000
You can override the this proxy url by setting OVERRIDE_API_PROXY
OVERRIDE_API_PROXY=http://localhost:8888 docker-compose up -d
Note that there's an issue with the node_modules
volume not updating when you add new dependencies. When this happens, run the following:
docker compose up --renew-anon-volumes -d frontend
When using npm run start
to run the frontend, the API_PROXY
environment variable is unset. The fallback proxy is set to the http://localhost:8000
You can set the proxy url by either setting OVERRIDE_API_PROXY
API_PROXY=http://localhost:8888 npm start
To run this on a Mac, use Docker for Mac.
Build the project containers:
docker-compose build
Run the containers:
docker-compose up -d django
Migrate DB:
docker-compose run --rm django python manage.py migrate
Create a superuser:
docker-compose run --rm django python manage.py createsuperuser
When asked for a username and password, enter values of your choosing. Email address may be left empty.
Visit http://localhost:8000/petition/api/
in your browser. If you get authentication errors, you may login as the superuser you created at http://localhost:8000/
and try again.
See detailed cookiecutter-django Docker documentation.
If you have a database dump you wish to restore, you can run:
docker-compose run --rm django sh
dropdb dear_petition
createdb dear_petition
pg_restore -Ox -d dear_petition latest.dump
python manage.py migrate
To develop in a Docker container, we'll create a docker-compose.override.yml
override file in the root of the dear-petition
directory to configure the Django container to sleep by default:
# file: docker-compose.override.yml
version: '3'
command: ["sleep", "infinity"]
Now we run runserver
manually to have more control over restarts:
docker-compose up -d django
docker-compose exec django bash
root$ python manage.py runserver
docker-compose run --rm django pytest
Test coverage is automatically generated as part of pytest
To manually run the tests, check your test coverage, and generate an HTML coverage report:
coverage run -m pytest
coverage html
open htmlcov/index.html
The dear-petition project is now on Sentry. Visit sentry.io and make an account or sign in with Github. Reach out to an existing member for an invite to the project.
To test the production Dockerfile locally, run:
COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.deploy.yml docker compose up --build -d django
# View logs for debugging
COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.deploy.yml docker compose logs django -f