Web app to extract tables and attach search functionality
#####lsUrlExtractBar Implement the url bar, the url presets and status update UI. Validate url. Call tableExtractionFactory to start the extraction process.
#####lsTableContainer Container for the lsTable components. Listen to tableExtractionFactory's ready event. When tables are ready, add lsTable components onto DOM. Provide a table number to notify the lsTable which table to use.
#####lsTable Implement table, table search bar and display toggle. Refer to table number provided by lsTableContainer for the table location and refer to TableExtractionFactory for the table data
#####tableExtractionFactory Table extraction logic. Broadcast number of tables upon completion
#####tableUtilityFactory Utilities for table operations
- fixRelativeLinks - for relative links which would break because no long on intended host
- breakNodeGroupIntoChunks - for array chunking
#####ifDependencyUnavailable directive Test dependency server status. Display error when dependency is offline.
#####ifChrome directive Show notification when browser is Chrome
Whatever Origin to overcome CORS restrictions
AngularJS, JQuery Twitter Bootstrap, Bower, Grunt
This application is more suitable to be implemented as a browser plugin, instead of a web app. The code will be much cleaner and the result will be much more intuitive and usable.