Rocker is a slack bot. It shows calendar of rock-band's concerts and rock events in the cities.
In the beginning, as usual, run:
$ go get
To run the rocker with the Docker use the script Before running the script set token value of bot user in bot.yaml.
$ cd
$ ./rocker-bot/
The script creates two containers - first for PostgreSQL, second for the bot. The loader uses the to load events. With the current settings (in bot.yaml) the entire calendar is downloaded and available within the hour. You can play with the settings of num-loaders and num-savers in bot.yaml.
To run the bot without using the Docker, create database structure with ./go-recipes/rocker-bot/sql/re-create-db and specify the connection string to your PostgreSQL in bot.yaml and just run:
$ cd
$ glide up
$ cd ./rocker-bot
$ go run main.go -config ./bot.yaml
To communicate with the bot you can use the following notation:
- to print help:
@rocker help
- to list events of band:
@rocker events of Metallica
- to list events in city:
@rocker events in Paris
- to list events in city at the date (date format may be also dd.MM.yyyy or dd/MM/yyyy):
@rocker events in London at 27 May 2017
@rocker events in London at 15 Dec 2017
@rocker events in London at 22.05.2017
@rocker events in London at 17/05/2017
- to list events of band in city since the date:
@rocker events of System of a Down in Dresden since 01 Jan 2017
- to list events in city till the date:
@rocker events in Helsinki till 01 Jan 2017
- to list events in city since/till dates
@rocker events in St Petersburg since 15 Dec 2016 till 01 Jan 2017
- to list events of band for period:
@rocker events of Aerosmith for 15 Dec 2016 and 01 Jan 2017