This is a ruby wrapper around the Zvents API. This is a replacement for the old Zvents-Gem.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'zvents'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install zvents
# set api key
Zvents::Event.api_key '123'
# Finding an event
event = Zvents::Event.find('event_id')
# Finding the venue of an eventt
event = Zvents::Event.find('event_id')
venue = event.venue
# Finding a venue
venue = Zvents::Venue.find('venue_id')
# Searching
search_results ='search parameters')
### search parameters are what, where, when, radius, limit, offset, spn_limit,
### cat, has_kids, city, neighborhood. trim. has_ticket, sequence
search_results ={where: "San Francisco"})
events =
venues = search_results.venues
# what = parameters[:what] e.g. "parade"
# where = parameters[:where] e.g. "San Francisco", "94131",
# "-74.0BY:40.9" (Latitude by longitude), "California"
# when = parameters[:when] e.g. "monday to thursday",
# "10/30/2007 to 11/4/2007"
# radius = parameters[:radius]
# (number of miles around where field to search)
# limit = parameters[:limit] (max number of items to return)
# offset = parameters[:offset] (number of items to skip from
# beginning of the search results)
# spn_limit = parameters[:spn_limit] (max number of sponsored
# items to return)
# cat = parameters[:cat] (restrict your search to a specific
# category)
# has_kids = parameters[:has_kids] (1 or 0.
# 1 means kid friendly. Events only)
# city = parameters[:city]
# neighborhood = parameters[:neighborhood]
# trim = parameters[:trim] (0 or 1. 1 trims repeat events.
# default = 1)
# has_tickets = parameters[:has_tickets] (0 or 1. 1 retuns
# only events with tickets for sale)
# sequence = parameters[:sequence] (restrict search to events
# within a sequence. Multiple sequence ids can be provided
# separated by a comma)
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- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request