Mr.Quiz is a handheld device similar to the original GeoSafari It supports legacy GeoSafari content as well as entirely new content coming soon.
- Update Codes.h to include all known GeoSafari codes and the associated Q&A pairs.
- Store geoSafariMode state in durable memory.
- Enable deep sleep when disconnected from power during "pretend sleep".
- Add scoring (3 tries per question with fewer points awarded for each mistake).
- Allow user to specify the time to respond at the start of each game (adjust sleep timer accordingly).
- Add two player mode.
- T-Display Keyboard Kit
- If you don't have access to a 3D printer, purchase the version that has a shell.
- 3.7V Battery with Micro JST 1.25mm Connector
- Any 3.7V lithium ion battery with at least 1000 mAh and a 1.25mm JST connector should be fine.
- If you want the battery to fit inside the keyboard kit, maximum dimensions are 40 x 52 x 11mm.
- 3D Printed Case
- The 3D folder contains individual STLs for the upper and lower sections in case you want to print them in separate colors.
- 3D Printed Battery Support
Much of this project was based off the LNPoS project. Shoutout to LNbits for the cool work they do!