SGX Prover is a prover running SGX enclave, as a component of multi-prover-avs.
SGX Prover utilizes the automata-sgx-sdk to build the SGX app.
Currently SGX prover supports executing scroll/linea blocks in SGX enclave and generate the PoE (proof of execution).
Check in here if you are looking for a docker image. It's built from Dockerfile.
Check the Dockerfile for installing the dependencies.
$ # make sure you have cargo-sgx installed, or you can skip this step.
$ cargo install cargo-sgx
$ # generate you own key
$ cargo sgx gen-key bin/sgx-prover/sgx/private.pem
$ cargo sgx build --release
$ ls -l target/release/sgx-prover target/release/*
SGX Prover supports running on non-SGX VM, even on macos. In this case, the Intel SGX SDK is not required.
$ cargo sgx run --std
Prepare the Config
$ cat ./config/prover.json
"scroll_endpoint": "${scroll_node_endpoint}"
Run the server
# run by cargo sgx
$ cargo sgx run --release
# run by executable file
$ target/release/sgx-prover
Test the functionality with scroll
$ testdata/