Lets you write a simple query and run it against any datastore, like ElasticSearch and/or Mapbox filter.
PivotQL parses a simple query language into an Abstract Syntax Tree implementing the unist spec that can then be used to compile a query for a given datastore.
This is useful if you want a level of abstraction between your queries and how your data is actually stored/searched. You can also use PivotQL to execute the same query against multiple datastores at the same time.
For example:
import {parse} from 'pivotql-parser-expression';
import {compiler as esCompiler} from 'pivotql-compiler-elasticsearch';
import {compiler as mapboxCompiler} from 'pivotql-compiler-mapbox';
// parse a pivotql query into an AST
const queryAST = parse( '( height <= 20 or ( favorites.color == "green" and height != 25 ) ) and firstname in ["john", "doug"]' );
// using that AST, compile an elasticsearch query
const esQuery = esCompiler( queryAST );
console.log( util.inspect( esQuery, { depth: null } ) );
// using the same AST, compile an mabox filter query
const mapboxQuery = mapboxCompiler( queryAST );
console.log( util.inspect( mapboxQuery, { depth: null } ) );
Which produces the following AST:
Using that AST, you can generate queries for various datastores.
For ElasticSearch, the query is:
and produces this for mapbox:
- Simple expression
- !! Your parser here! Submissions are welcome! !!
- Elastic Search
- Mapbox
- MongoDB
- Javascript
- !! Your compiler here! Submissions are welcome! !!
This repository contains many packages in the packages/
directory. You need
npm > v7.14 with workspaces features to be able to execute the next commands:
npm ci
npm build # Generate parser with Jison
And launch test:
npm run test
This was inspired by UniQL, inspired itself by FiltrES which was in turn inspired by Filtrex