This is a mirror of
- If you use git to version your vim configs, and use pathogen
git submodule add git:// bundle/ColorSelect
- Else, download ColorSelect and copy contents of subdirectory plugin to ~/.vim/plugin
You’ll need ruby with gtk gems working, to this see the follow link:
Instalando Ruby-GTK no RVM
This opens a gtk color dialog, when select a color this is writed on document.
- g:FormatResultColorSelect_
- Function: Sets the format returned by ColorSelect
- Default: hexadecimal
- Possibles: ‘hex’ or ‘rgba’
- g:CaseResultColorSelect_
- Function: Sets, in hex mode, case of return
- Default: upcase
- Possibles: ‘upcase’ or ‘dowcase’
imap <F5> <esc>:ColorSelect<CR>