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Sliding block puzzles

Sliding Puzzle CI Python3.9 MIT License Try demo

Representation of a slide puzzle and implementation of algorithms allowing the resolution In this repository you will find:

  • Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Webservice written in Flask (WSGI Server)
  • Representation of a Puzzle (i.e. sliding block puzzle)
  • Heuristics
    • Linear Conflicts
    • Misplaced
    • Manhattan
  • Algorithms
    • A* Search
    • Breadth-First Search
    • Depth-First Search
    • Depth-Limited Search
    • Greedy Best-First Search
    • Iterative Deepening Depth-First Search
    • Uniform-Cost Search
    • Bidirectional search
    • Iterative Lengthening Search
    • Iterative Deepening A* Search

⚠️ Because it's a university project, the cost is not real but can be modified in the Puzzle:get_cost() function

💡 An experimental protocol was carried out. The source code as well as an analysis is available in the report directory

Usage 📖

At this stage, you can use the project in different ways:

  1. In a python script, consult the sample directory for an example

  2. Run the CLI with the command python -m sliding_puzzle(maybe you need to make source .venv/bin/activate) Simple command

    python3 -m sliding_puzzle --tiles 1 3 2 4 0 7 5 8 6 --method a_star

    More complex

    python3 -m sliding_puzzle \
      --verbose \
      --tiles 4 1 2 3 5 6 7 11 8 9 10 15 12 13 14 0 \
      --method a_star depth_limited \
  3. Run the server with the command ```make serve

  4. Run a client GUI that request the server (created at 3.) or directly in Python (Flask, Django ...). Try an example writing in Flutter

Get started 🎉

Install the dependencies

python -m pip install git+

You have now added the dependency, you can:

  • Run an example

    wget -qO- | python -

    💡 All the examples are in the sample/ directory

  • Run the CLI

    # Or, call it with python
    python -m sliding_puzzle
  • Run the server

    cd sliding_puzzle
    make serve

Developers 👨‍💻

Use python3 or python command (depending on your configuration)

  1. Clone this project

    git clone
    cd src-puzzles
  2. Run make command

    make install
  3. Test the project

    make test

Everything has been installed and configured correctly! 🎊

Deploy the server 🚀

We use a WSGI server.

It can easily be run and deployed using the command :

gunicorn sliding_puzzle.wsgi --reload --timeout 1000

For example, if you want to deploy to Heroku, you can create a Heroku project. Then, add the heroku project to this project (through git remote add ) and run this command

make deploy

In order to deploy to Heroku, you need a Procfile file


Sliding block/tile puzzle solver using multiple algorithms 🧩








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