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ava-mc edited this page Jan 31, 2023 · 12 revisions


Preliminary concept feedback during expert classes



  • 8th wall (niantic → pokemon go): webAR framework
  • doesn't need to be an app -> why use react native instead of just web?
  • specify a bit more
  • make comparisons (webAR vs unity vs react native)
  • or dive deeper into 1 specific framework
  • make right choices
  • what does react native add as extra?


  • website local storage?
  • still not convinced why native is better
  • why should the user have to install the app
  • in apps you still have to ask for permissions
  • iOS has its own AR framework
  • If you're unclear of what to choose, you could make a comparative study and write a sort of article about is
    • vb 8th wall vs vuforia
    • look how far you get in different frameworks
  • be critical about articles (e.g. date)


  • onderzoek naar AR
  • nog niet te veel aflijnen
  • nog wat onderzoek
  • hou dat open
  • vergelijking maken
  • kennis deling
  • mogelijkheden AR op web of native
  • animatie of niet in AR?
  • vergelijkende studie van AR technieken op het web
  • breed benaderen
    • native vs PWA
    • AR libraries vb web AR vs native,
    • binnen AR
    • marker based image tracking
    • animatie of niet?
    • feature vergelijking van technologieën
    • onderzoeksvraag → deliverables
    • kleine demo’s met bepaalde features


  • It might be useful to first make a list of which features or properties you want to compare in this project. That way you have a clear view of where you want to go with this project.
    • You can look for inspiration in other comparative studies.
    • Vb, medium
  • React or vanilla JS can be okay for what you want to do. Start with frameworks you are familiar with first.
  • Will there be any backend? Maybe just work with querystring, so that you can have some customisation in your link, without needing a real backend (vb name, message…)
  • Not everything you want to compare, needs to be in your end product (vb notifications…)
  • You could look into:
    • how long it took you to set up
    • how is the documentation
    • how big/helpful is the community
    • (actual features can easily be compared via documentation)
  • You can turn Notion into a blog (,
  • It seems like a good idea to keep a daily blog (even just for yourself) and maybe make weekly summaries of what you learned and your findings. The final result will probably be a fully written article, you could post this on medium or
  • Next meeting: Friday 15h30


  • Make a blog with short weekly overviews and clear description of the goal. (Will check if github wiki is okay).
  • Don’t try to do too much, 1 framework for native and 1 for web will probably be enough work already
  • Focus on the final article and research aspect.
  • Github Student Developer Pack for free heroku credits

Coach meeting - 17/1/23

  • Project overview is good. Maybe just a bit more explanation about marker-based AR. Also for your final article, so that people who don’t know anything about it can still understand.
    • If you find a good resource or blog, you can also just link to it, instead of writing it all out yourself.
  • Github wiki is okay for your blog.
  • Maybe put your repository on public, if you don’t mind your wiki being public.
  • For the problem with React Native routing to specific page with querystring: see it as a ‘nice-to-have’, if you have time left.
  • Maybe first make the web react demo skeleton, so that the ‘boring part’ is done and you can then just focus on AR itself for the rest of your time.
  • Don’t try to plan on using too many AR frameworks. See how much time you have.
  • If you can, add some choice for the AR design, not just text.
    • Good that you thought about it already. Just see what is possible when you are trying it out.
  • Next meeting: Friday. Next week: Wednesday online. Still need to check for final week with the Integration Juries of the first years.
  • I seem to be on track.

Coach meeting - 20/1/23

  • Maybe try basic vanilla js examples
  • Try AR.js without the wrapper
  • Maybe Aframe instead AR.JS
  • Try in pure html. Work from fixed example and add the customisations you need step by step.
  • look for basic ar.js tutorial on youtube

Coach Meeting - 24/1/23

  • Don’t loose too much time with AR.js anymore.
  • Blog is good. In the end, make a summary blogpost with all your conclusions, but you can reference to your more detailed blogposts, demos, more background.
  • Don’t loose sight of your research question.
    • You can mention the change in marker vs nft
    • Try to do native option as soon as possible
  • Make a planning for the coming days: you need to have enough time for your conclusion and presentation.
    • For presentation: go through your process step by step, mention most important findings, conclusions in short. (15min + 5min Q&A)
    • showcase video: Apparently there is also a showcase video. This is not a walkthrough, but more of a promo video.
  • Most important thing in the end: a nice blog with a summary of my findings, maybe post on medium
  • Focus on native vs web.
  • Next meeting: Thursday
  • Last meeting: very quick on Wednesday to go over presentation.

Coach meeting - 31/1/23

  • Don’t undersell yourself in your Medium article.
  • Good structure of the article, good to add some humour sometimes.
  • Maybe add link to Devine site or your own portfolio.
  • Presentation is well-structured and clear. Maybe leave out live demos. Add them as a link in the end during Q&A.
  • Project has ended as a clear whole.