This the the new queue system for KTH (semi-official), rewritten in Rust and React. The old one can be found here but is no longer in service.
The system is current running at and help students and teachers keep track of who's next to present and/or get help. For help/support please direct your questions to
sudo apt install libssl-dev pkg-config -y
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib -y
sudo apt install libpq-dev openssl -y
cp .env.example .env
Get rustup (nightly version)
run script, but pick nightly instead of stable. Subject to change when next time rocket is upgraded
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
rust version is managed by rust-toolchain.toml and should be automatically handled by cargo build
Install Diesel CLI
cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
In case postgresql doesn't automaticaly start, run:
sudo service postgresql start
setup a user with your current username.
You know it works when you can run psql
when logged in as your normal user.
Then run:
If you want to reset your database you can just run the script again.
All the script really does is to run:
- psql -f init.sql
- diesel migration run
- psql -f testing.sql
When setting up for production you need to create a database with password, and then add the new settings to the .env file.
The .env file also need a new secret so that auth tokens can't be decrypted.
Then simply run diesel migration run
and then start the server in production mode with:
cargo run --release
Since things need to be reliable you probably want to enable auto-restart, start on boot, static serve, firewall, https certificates, etc. All the settings to set this up on a standard ubuntu 18.04, using Systemd and Nginx is available under the devops folder. The current setting assume that you use let's encrypt. Example instructions for how to set up can be found here.
Build the project
cargo build
Start the project using
cargo run
In this mode anyone can log in as anyone by going to /mocklogin
Run new migrations with
diesel migration run
revert migrations with
diesel migration revert
Use sqlformat:
pip install sqlparse
sqlformat --reindent queue_history.sql -o queue_history.sql
Install debuggin extensions for React and Redux (Chrome)
Backend wants:
- routing framework
- backend websockets leave/errors
- can we please rename "help" to something else? Or make it an enum perhaps
Frontend wants
- [Feature] Anything else?