This is a Todo application split into two components: Frontend and backend.
The frontend application is built with React and Redux Toolkit. See src/
The backend application, i.e. server side of the application, is built with Python using FastAPI for api routes and pydantic for typing object models. Server is running with uvicorn.
- Start backend from
:- Install either with poetry:
poetry install
or using pip:pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run either with poetry
poetry run python
- Backend creates and uses a JSON file as database located in
or with WindowsC:Users\[user]\json_db\todo.json
- Install either with poetry:
- Start frontend from root
- Install with npm:
npm install
- Run with npm:
npm run dev
- To add new todos: Press Add Todo-button
- To mark an item complete click the checkbox
- To unmark an item click the filled checkbox
- To delete a todo item click the X-button
- To edit a todo item double click the item's content text and press enter or click aside the text field
- Install with npm: