Reflection-free pojo validation via apt source code generation. A light (~120kb + generated code) source code generation style alternative to Hibernate Validation. (code generation vs reflection)
- Annotate java classes with
(or use@ImportValidPojo
for types we "don't own" such as external dependencies) avaje-validator-generator
annotation processor generates Java source code to write validation classes- Supports Avaje/Jakarta/Javax Constraint Annotations
- Groups Support
- Class level Constraints
- Composable Contraint Annotations
- Inheritable Constraints
- loading and interpolating error messages (with multiple Locales) through ResourceBundles
- Getter Validation
- Method parameter validation (requires a DI container to retrieve the generated MethodAdapter classes)
Goto for full documentation.
Avaje Validator requires Java 17 or higher.
<!-- Alternatively can use Jakarta/Javax Constraints-->
And add avaje-validator-generator as an annotation processor.
<!-- Annotation processors -->
Add @Valid
to the types we want to add validation.
The avaje-validator-generator
annotation processor will generate validation adapter classes as Java source code
for each type annotated with @Valid
. These will be automatically registered with Validator
when it is started using a service loader mechanism.
public class Address {
private String street;
@NotEmpty(message="must not be empty")
private List<@NotBlank(message="{message.bundle.key}") String> suburb;
private OtherClass otherclass;
//add getters/setters
It also works with records:
public record Address(
@NotBlank String street,
@NotEmpty(message="must not be empty") String suburb,
@NotNull(groups=SomeGroup.class) String city
) {}
For types we cannot annotate with @Valid
we can place @ImportValidPojo
on any class/package-info to generate the adapters.
// build using defaults
Validator validator = Validator.builder().build();
Customer customer = ...;
// will throw a `ConstraintViolationException` containing all the failed constraint violations
// validate with explicit locale
validator.validate(customer, Locale.ENGLISH);
// validate with groups
validator.validate(customer, Locale.ENGLISH, Group1.class);
Given the class:
public record Address(
@NotBlank String street,
@NotEmpty(message="must not be empty") String suburb,
@NotNull(groups=SomeGroup.class) String city
) {}
The following code will be generated and used for validation.
public final class AddressValidationAdapter implements ValidationAdapter<Address> {
private final ValidationAdapter<String> streetValidationAdapter;
private final ValidationAdapter<String> suburbValidationAdapter;
private final ValidationAdapter<String> cityValidationAdapter;
public AddressValidationAdapter(ValidationContext ctx) {
this.streetValidationAdapter =
ctx.<String>adapter(NotBlank.class, Map.of("message","{avaje.NotBlank.message}"));
this.suburbValidationAdapter =
ctx.<String>adapter(NotEmpty.class, Map.of("message","must not be empty"));
this.cityValidationAdapter =
ctx.<String>adapter(NotNull.class, Map.of("message","{avaje.NotNull.message}", "groups",Set.of(example.avaje.typeuse.SomeGroup.class)));
public boolean validate(Address value, ValidationRequest request, String propertyName) {
if (propertyName != null) {
var _$street = value.street();
streetValidationAdapter.validate(_$street, request, "street");
var _$suburb = value.suburb();
suburbValidationAdapter.validate(_$suburb, request, "suburb");
var _$city =;
cityValidationAdapter.validate(_$city, request, "city");
if (propertyName != null) {
return true;