We release the code and data for the following paper. If you use the software, datasets, or refer to its results, please cite:
Siqi Wu, Marian-Andrei Rizoiu, and Lexing Xie. Variation across Scales: Measurement Fidelity under Twitter Data Sampling. AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM), 2020. [paper|data]
Crawling software package: Twitter-intact-stream
Twitter-intact-stream is a tool for collecting (nearly) complete Twitter filter stream. It splits the filtering predicates into multiple subsets, and tracks each set with a distinct streaming client.
The posts over the Twittersphere are really boosted during the global pandemic. Typically, the public/free Twitter filtered streaming API allows users to collect up to 4.32M per day, this is way below the volume of COVID19 related tweets.
In our collecting tool Twitter-intact-stream, we provide a pre-configured script to collect relevant tweets of COVID19.
It can retrieve about 26M tweets per day with an estimated 91% sampling rate.
The following image plots temporal tweet counts and sampling rates for a dataset collected from 2020-03-23 to 2020-03-31.
We release 2 pairs of complete/sampled retweet cascades on Cyberbullying (sampling rate: 0.5272) and YouTube (sampling rate: 0.9153). The data is hosted on Dataverse.
Each line is a cascades for a root tweet, in the format of "root_tweet_id-root_user_followers:retweet_id1-retweet_user_followers1,retweet_id2-retweet_user_followers2,...". The tweet_id can be melt into timestamp_ms, check the melt_snowflake function.
Cyberbullying | complete | Sample |
#cascades | 3,008,572 | 1,168,896 |
avg. retweets per cascade | 15.63 | 10.97 |
#cascades (≥50 retweets) | 99,952 | 29,577 |
YouTube | complete | Sample |
#cascades | 2,022,718 | 1,803,024 |
avg. retweets per cascade | 13.10 | 11.87 |
#cascades (≥50 retweets) | 59,825 | 50,272 |
We provide a quickstart bash script: run_all_wrangling.sh
This script can generate all the data files to run the experiments under the data, entities, and cascades.
For network analysis, another quickstart bash script is provided for generating all the data files: run_network_analysis.sh