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This project implements a Server-Side Module to bridge between the Wowza Streaming Engine and the Avalon Media System. It provides the logic and configuration necessary for Wowza to pass a token back to a running Avalon server to authorize stream playback.


This module is tested working in Wowza 4.7.5 (recommended) and 4.7.3. Currently it doesn't work with Wowza 4.7.8, fixes coming soon.


Install and configure Wowza Streaming Engine

  1. Install Wowza per the Wowza Streaming Engine User Guide
  2. cd [wowza-root] (/Library/WowzaStreamingEngine on OS X, or /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine on Linux)
  3. curl -L | tar xj
  4. chmod 0777 avalon
  5. In conf/Application.xml, edit the avalonUrls to point to the actual URL(s) of your Avalon app(s)
  6. Restart the WowzaStreamEngine service

Configure Matterhorn to distribute streams to Wowza

  1. In etc/
    • Set[wowza-root]/avalon
    • Comment out
  2. Restart matterhorn

Configure Avalon to stream from Wowza

  1. Add this line to your Avalon server's Gemfile:

     gem 'avalon-wowza'
  2. Execute:

     $ bundle install
  3. Update the streaming configuration in config/avalon.yml:

       server: :wowza
       content_path: <same path as Matterhorn's streaming directory>
       stream_token_ttl: 20
       rtmp_base: rtmp://[wowza-hostname]/avalon
       http_base: http://[wowza-hostname]:1935/avalon/_definst_
  4. Restart Avalon


This project was created and maintained using the Wowza Integrated Development Environment for Eclipse. Please refer to Wowza's documentation to install and configure the IDE (

To build the project, you need to make sure to define the WOWZA-LIB classpath variable on your local system (on Windows, it's typically C:/Program Files (x86)/Wowza Media Systems/Wowza Streaming Engine ${wowza.version}/lib; on Mac, it could be /Library/WowzaStreamingEngine-${wowza.version}/lib/).

If you make changes to the source code or application settings, make sure to run the ant target dist in build.xml, which will generate the Wowza extension package wowza-avalon-app.tar.bz2 under dist/ directory. You can then install the extension package into the Wowza Streaming Engine.

Note: There're 2 copies of Application.xml in the project. To make the application settings take effect in your extension package, you need to modify stage/conf/Application.xml, which is the one being packaged into the bz2 file.