subs2cia - Extract subtitled dialogue from audiovisual media for use in language acquisition
- Generates condensed media from subtitled media that only contains spoken dialogue (
subs2cia condense
)- No unnatural stutters: simultaneous and overlapping subtitles lines are merged for seamless listening
- Automatically generate condensed subtitles, audio, and video from input sources (video must be enabled with
) - Automagically chooses subtitle and audio tracks from a certain language or manually specify what inputs to condense
) - Automatically filter out subtitles that don't contain dialogue using built in heuristics or user-defined regexes (
) - Strip text from subtitles before processing them (
) - Ignore subtitled music found in openings/endings manually (
) or by chapter (-Ic
) - Reinserts natural spacing between sentences that start and end close together (
) - Subtitles not perfectly aligned? Pad subtitles with additional audio (
) - Process multiple files with batch mode (
- EXPERIMENTAL: Export subtitles with audio and screenshots into your flashcard SRS of choice (
subs2cia srs
- Python 3.6 or later
- FFmpeg executable binaries (ffmpeg and ffprobe) must be on your PATH (i.e. can execute
from the command line) - pip packages:
- ffmpeg-python
- pycountry
- pysubs2
- setuptools
- tqdm
- pandas
subs2cia is currently a command-line only script. Usage requires interaction with a terminal interface.
Instructions for installing and adding ffmpeg to your path can be found here.
Install Python 3.6 or later. During or after the installation process, make sure you add Python to your PATH and also install pip.
The subs2cia installation process is generally the same as for Linux, although some commands may have different aliases
(e.g. instead of pip3
, you may need to run py -m pip
Some useful links on installing pip
and python packages:
You may need to restart Command Prompt for path changes to take effect when installing pip
Install Python and ffmpeg through the method of your choice, e.g. Homebrew. In Terminal, run:
# run this after installing Homebrew
brew install python ffmpeg
Homebrew should have also installed pip
for you, which you can use to install subs2cia from PyPI:
pip3 install subs2cia
You should now be able to run the script:
subs2cia condense -h
On systems with the apt
package manager (Ubuntu, Debian, etc):
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip ffmpeg
pip3 install subs2cia
subs2cia condense -h
Download or clone the repository and navigate to it:
$ git clone ""
$ cd subs2cia
Use pip to install:
$ pip3 install .
On WSL, you may need to add ~/.local/bin
to your PATH first.
If you prefer, you can also run subs2cia/
subs2cia condense -i "My Video.mkv"
- Condense
My Video.mkv
intoMy Video.condensed.mp3
(if embedded subtitles are SRT formatted)
subs2cia condense -i video.mkv -p 150 -t 1000 -tl english
- Condense
- Prefer english subtitle/audio tracks if they exist.
- Pad each subtitle's start/end time by 150ms
- Merge subtitles that start within 1300ms (1000 + 2x150) of each other (i.e. also add silences shorter than 1300ms)
subs2cia condense -i video.mkv "video subtitles.ass" -ae flac --no-gen-subtitle
- Condense
usingvideo subtitles.ass
.- Note: subs2cia will default to try using external subtitle/audio files first.
- Don't generate condensed subtitles.
Condense audio.mp3
into audio.condensed.mp3
subs2cia condense -i audio.mp3 subtitles.ass
Condense all .mkv
and .srt
files in a directory organized according to Plex standards.
Ignore the first 1m30s of subtitles and the 1m30s of subtitles 2 minutes from the end.
Prefer Japanese audio/subtitles. Set subtitle padding to 100ms and
threshold to merge subtitles to 1500ms:
subs2cia condense -b -i *.mkv *.srt -I 0m 1m30s -I e2m +1m30s -tl ja -t 1500 -p 100
For a full usage guide, run subs2cia condense -h
or take a look at USAGE.
subs2cia srs -i video.mkv
- Won't work on bitmap subtitles (e.g. PGS subtitles), only text-based supports subtitle formats supported by ffmpeg and pysubs2 encoded in UTF-8 will work
- Subtitles must be properly aligned to audio.
Renames subtitle files to match a reference (video) file to conform with Plex-style naming standards, optionally adding language information to the suffix. Intended for use with shell wildcards.
$ subzipper -h
usage: [-h] -s <input files> [<input files> ...] -r <input files>
[<input files> ...] [-l ISO_LANG_CODE] [-ns] [-d] [-v]
SubZipper: Map video files to subtitle files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s <input files> [<input files> ...], --subtitle <input files> [<input files> ...]
List of subtitle files. Number of subtitle files
should equal number of reference files.
-r <input files> [<input files> ...], --reference <input files> [<input files> ...]
List of reference files, typically video files. Number
of subtitle files should equal number of reference
Language code to append to end of subtitle file.
Optional. If set, will be checked for validity.
-ns, --no-sort If set, will not sort input files alphabetically.
-d, --dry-run If set, will print out mappings but will not write any
changes to disk.
-v, --verbose Verbose output if set.
Rename episode01.ass
to MyShow_S01E01.ja.ass
and episode02.ass
to MyShow_S01E02.ja.ass
subzipper -s "episode01.ass" "episode02.ass" -r "MyShow_S01E01.mkv" "MyShow_S01E02.mkv" -l ja