crystalcraft is a mod for Minecraft 1.19.3 that adds new crystal ores with unique properties to the game! :D
summary of crystals and properties:
- armor gives regeneration effect
- sword gives wither effect to target mob
- ore spawns underground in plains, sunflower plains, flower forests, dark forests, birch forests, and meadows
- cows spawn in plains, sunflower plains, flower forests, dark forests, birch forests, and meadows
- ruby milk gives regeneration effect for about a minute and a half
- armor gives water breathing effect
- sword gives slowness effect to target mob
- ore spawns underground in warm, lukewarm, cold, and normal oceans, both deep and regular
- cows spawn in warm, lukewarm, cold, and normal oceans, both deep and regular
- sapphire milk gives water breathing effect for about a minute and a half
- armor gives fire resistence
- sword sets fire to target mob
- ore spawns underground in savannas, badlands, and deserts
- cows spawn in savannas, badlands, and deserts
- citrine milk gives fire resistance effect for about a minute and a half
- armor gives speed effect
- sword gives poison effect to target mob
- ore spawns underground in jungles
- cows spawn in jungles
- amethyst milk gives speed effect for about a minute and a half
white opal:
- armor gives night vision effect
- sword gives levitation effect to target mob
- ore spawns underground in snowy, frozen, and ice biomes
- cows spawn in snowy, frozen, and ice biomes
- white opal milk gives night vision effect for about a minute and a half
- armor gives luck effect
- sword gives weakness effect to target mob
- ore spawns underground in swamp and mangrove swamp biomes
- cows spawn in swamp and mangrove swamp biomes
- peridot milk gives luck effect for about a minute and a half