Quickly tail local and remote files
npm install -g tailr
to add zsh completions:
tailr completions >> ~/.zshrc
NOTE: If you're using the completions and you get a warning about insecure directories it's because the owner of the directory ".../node/.../lib/node_modules/tailr/completions" should be either the root user or the current user.
Create a file named '.tailr.coffee' in your home directory:
module.exports =
server: 'myserver'
username: 'myuser'
port: 1234
filename: '/path/to/file/on/remote/server.log'
filename: '/path/to/local/file'
# show the names of the logs specified in ~/.tailr.coffee
tailr list
# tail a specific log:
tailr tail my_remote_log
- Added highlighting
- Added zsh completions