This is a lightweight, high-performance WebSocket framework based on Netty, which improves your WebSocket development experience and brings new WebSocket features to Spring Boot. This project allows you to easily integrate WebSocket functionality into your Spring Boot project, providing the simplicity of Tomcat WebSocket while enjoying the performance and scalability advantages of Netty.
main feature:
- Seamless integration with Spring Boot
- Lightweight and high performance
- Simplify real-time application development
- Built on the powerful Netty framework
If you think this project is good, please click a Star
- jdk version 1.8 or 1.8+
- add Dependencies:
- annotate
on endpoint class,and annotate@BeforeHandshake
on the method.
import io.github.avidbyte.annotation.*;
import io.github.avidbyte.standard.Session;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders;
import io.netty.handler.timeout.IdleStateEvent;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
public class TextWebSocket {
private static final Map<String, Session> CLIENTS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public void handshake(Session session, HttpHeaders headers) {
String token = headers.get("token");
System.out.println("token:" + token);
public void onOpen(@PathParam("username") String username, Session session) {
if (!StringUtils.hasLength(username)) {
log.error("username is empty");
}"username={}", username);
session.setAttribute("name", username);
CLIENTS.put(username, session);
public void onClose(Session session){
String name = session.getAttribute("name");
public void onMessage(Session session, String message){"message={}", message);
String ping = "ping";
if (ping.equals(message)) {
public void onEvent(Session session, Object evt) {
if (evt instanceof IdleStateEvent) {
IdleStateEvent idleStateEvent = (IdleStateEvent) evt;
switch (idleStateEvent.state()) {
case READER_IDLE:"read idle");
case WRITER_IDLE:"write idle");
case ALL_IDLE:"all idle");
public void onError(Session session, Throwable error){
String name = session.getAttribute("name");
log.error("A communication error occurred and the connection was closed = {}", name);
public void sendMessageTo(String message, Session session) {
public void sendMessageAll(String message) {
for (Session session : CLIENTS.values()) {
- use Websocket client to connect
Each class marked with @ServerEndpoint will start a websocket service for it. Each service can specify its port in the path of the configuration file.
when there is a connection accepted,the method annotated with
will be called
classes which be injected to the method are: Session,HttpHeaders
when there is a WebSocket connection completed,the method annotated with
will be called
classes which be injected to the method are:Session,HttpHeaders...
when a WebSocket connection closed,the method annotated with
will be called classes which be injected to the method are:Session
when a WebSocket connection throw Throwable, the method annotated with
will be called classes which be injected to the method are:Session,Throwable
when a WebSocket connection received a message,the method annotated with
will be called classes which be injected to the method are:Session,String
when a WebSocket connection received the binary,the method annotated with
will be called classes which be injected to the method are:Session,byte[]
when a WebSocket connection received the event of Netty,the method annotated with
will be called classes which be injected to the method are:Session,Object
@ServerEndpoint only needs to configure the path, and the configuration corresponding to this path is all in application.yml The default configuration is host:, port: 80
port: 80
reader-idle-time-seconds: 10
writer-idle-time-seconds: 20
all-idle-time-seconds: 30
port: 81
reader-idle-time-seconds: 10
writer-idle-time-seconds: 20
all-idle-time-seconds: 30
property | default | description |
host | "" | host of WebSocket."" means all of local addresses |
port | 80 | websocket service port |
boss-loop-group-threads | 1 | The number of threads of bossEventLoopGroup |
worker-loop-group-threads | 0 | The number of threads of workerEventLoopGroup |
use-compression-handler | false | whether add WebSocketServerCompressionHandler to pipeline |
option-connect-timeout-millis | 30000 | the same as ChannelOption.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS in Netty |
option-so-backlog | 128 | the same as ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG in Netty |
child-option-write-spin-count | 16 | the same as ChannelOption.WRITE_SPIN_COUNT in Netty |
child-option-write-buffer-high-water-mark | 64*1024 | the same as ChannelOption.WRITE_BUFFER_HIGH_WATER_MARK in Netty,but use ChannelOption.WRITE_BUFFER_WATER_MARK in fact. |
child-option-write-buffer-low-water-mark | 32*1024 | the same as ChannelOption.WRITE_BUFFER_LOW_WATER_MARK in Netty,but use ChannelOption.WRITE_BUFFER_WATER_MARK in fact. |
child-option-so-rcv-buf | -1(mean not set) | the same as ChannelOption.SO_RCVBUF in Netty |
child-option-so-snd-buf | -1(mean not set) | the same as ChannelOption.SO_SNDBUF in Netty |
child-option-tcp-nodelay | true | the same as ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY in Netty |
child-option-so-keepalive | false | the same as ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE in Netty |
child-option-so-linger | -1 | the same as ChannelOption.SO_LINGER in Netty |
child-option-allow-half-closure | false | the same as ChannelOption.ALLOW_HALF_CLOSURE in Netty |
reader-idle-time-seconds | 0 | the same as readerIdleTimeSeconds in IdleStateHandler and add IdleStateHandler to pipeline when it is not 0 |
writer-idle-time-seconds | 0 | the same as writerIdleTimeSeconds in IdleStateHandler and add IdleStateHandler to pipeline when it is not 0 |
all-idle-time-seconds | 0 | the same as allIdleTimeSeconds in IdleStateHandler and add IdleStateHandler to pipeline when it is not 0 |
max-frame-payload-length | 65536 | Maximum allowable frame payload length. |
use-event-executor-group | true | Whether to use another thread pool to perform time-consuming synchronous business logic |
event-executor-group-threads | 16 | The number of threads of bossEventLoopGroup |
ssl-key-password | ""(mean not set) | the same as server.ssl.key-password in spring-boot |
ssl-key-store | ""(mean not set) | the same as server.ssl.key-store in spring-boot |
ssl-key-password | ""(mean not set) | the same as server.ssl.key-store-password in spring-boot |
ssl-key-store-type | ""(mean not set) | the same as server.ssl.key-store-type in spring-boot |
ssl-trust-store | ""(mean not set) | the same as in spring-boot |
ssl-trust-store-password | ""(mean not set) | the same as in spring-boot |
ssl-trust-store-type | ""(mean not set) | the same as in spring-boot |
cors-origins | {}(mean not set) | the same as @CrossOrigin#origins in spring-boot |
cors-allow-credentials | ""(mean not set) | the same as @CrossOrigin#allowCredentials in spring-boot |
- Implement basic functions of websocket service
- fix: adjust the project structure to solve the problem of jar dependencies not being found