Welcome! I'm excited to have you in the session. This workshop will help you learn how to turn tech topics and ideas into beautiful stories, to better engage with the audience at your next talk or presentation.
You don't need to prepare anything in advance, but it will be valuable to have a talk topic in mind that you can practice with.
This will be an interactive workshop, so depending on the number of attendees, you might have an opportunity to practice and get feedback. You can also participate by helping us brainstorm in the discord channel.
This is a workshop that I usually split into three parts, so timing will play a big part.
Introductions are sometimes the hardest part. We will learn how to introduce ourselves with interesting stories that touch the audience.
You have two jobs when presenting to an audience: engage and provide value. What does this mean? How do I do that?
We will see examples from friends.
I'll share with you a basic formula for structuring your story, which can be found here.
We will see examples from a previous talk I've given.
Time permitting, we'll play a little game that will help us think differently about talk introductions
You'll have a few minutes to prepare a mini speech, and a handful of you will get the chance to practice for our audience and receive valuable feedback