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Team@AVSPEED edited this page Jan 14, 2018 · 10 revisions

The AppRTC WPF is similar to the one created by the the WebRTC project, but is a wpf desktop application built using the iConfRTC SDK.

Using the application

1- Configure the signaling server. The signaling server is a server side process that allows for users to exchange metadata to coordinate communication. We provide a nodejs based signaling server for testing purposes( The ip of the signaling server is located in the App.config of the AppRTCWPF application

2- Run the application The application opens up, initializes the WebRTC Engine shows the main screen that has a meeting ID field and a name field.

Enter a meeting ID and your name and press and you will join the meeting ( in the screenshot we are entering a meeting called "meeting 2"

Once you have successfully joined the meeting, you will see a preview of your own video

When another user joins the same meeting, you will both see and hear each other

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