- Clone the repository
- Install the requirements to install the requirements run the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
- do alembic migration
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "initial migration"
alembic upgrade head
- run the server
python main.py
- you can also build the docker container by running the following command
docker build -t auction_management .
- you can run the docker container by running the following command
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 auction_management
- now you can go to the postman the collection is provided in the repository by the name of auction management.postman_collection.json
- you can import the collection in the postman and test the api's
- you can also go to the swagger documentation by going to the following url
- User can register and login
- Admin Can create the auction
- the user can make a bid on the auction by entering the item id
- the user can see the list of all the Live auction