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🤝 aider.nvim

A Neovim plugin for seamless integration with Aider, an AI pair programming tool.

✨ Features

  • Automatically start Aider with --watch-files when valid comments are written
  • For ai? (question) comments, Aider.nvim automatically shows the terminal, otherwise a spinner will be shown to idicate Aider activity (configurable).
  • Aider.nvim automatically brings the terminal to the foreground when Aider prompts for user confirmation (e.x. asking to scrape a URL)
  • Add configurable hooks to run when Aider finishes updating a file
    • For example, you can use diffview to always show a gorgeous diff
  • Explicitly send commands to Aider using AiderSend <cmd>
    • Can be used to create custom prompts or custom keymaps to any Aider command
  • Toggle the Aider terminal to different window formats (defaults to vertical split)
  • Load files into the current Aider session
    • For both Telescope and fzf-lua, custom file actions (with multi-select support) are added to git_files, find_files, buffers, and oldfiles for
      • Adding files /add <selection>
      • Adding files for read-only /read-only <selection>
      • Dropping files /drop <selection>
    • Use AiderAdd without arguments to add the current file (/add), or specify file arguments
  • Ask questions about your code, with support for visual selections
    • AiderAsk with a visual selection will prompt you for input and add the selected code to the prompt (with metadata about it's source)
  • For diff viewing, accepting or rejecting changes:
    • Optionally, use diffview to automatically display diffs after Aider modifies files (see integration details below)
    • Use gitsigns to stage/view/undo/navigate hunks
  • Supports switching between different Git repositories, maintaining context for each
  • Use the Telescope model picker (:Telescope model_picker) to select different AI models
    • Use model_picker_search = { "^anthropic/", "^openai/" } to specify which models to look for
  • Theme support
    • For best theme support (inluding markdown code in Aider) use isonleao/gruvbox.nvim
    • Also supports tokyonight and catppuccin themes (albeit without matching themes for markdown code blocks)

🆕 What's New

  • Added a new git stash strategy that works regardless of auto commit flags
  • Added default diffview hook for showing latest stash change
  • Added support for the new snacks.nvim picker actions for manipulating Aider files
  • Added :AiderComment[!] command to easily add AI comments (AI? or AI!) on the current line 💬
  • Use AiderFixDiagnostics to send neovim diagnostics to Aider for fixing 🛠️
    • This typically includes both LSP and linting diagnostics
    • Additionally other plugins often integrate with neovim's diagnostics, so this can be a powerful tool for fixing issues in your codebase. For example Neotest has an option neotest.diagnostic = true which adds failing tests to diagnostics, which can then be sent to Aider for fixing using this command 💡
  • Added full theme support for gruvbox when using isonleao/gruvbox.nvim, including matching code-block themes 🌈
  • Defaulted log_notifier to false for a cleaner notification system that relies on the snacks progress spinner ⚡️

🛠️ Prerequisites

  • Neovim 0.5+
  • Aider is required to be installed and available in PATH (pip install aider-chat) 💻
  • akinsho/toggleterm.nvim is required for terminal management 🧑‍💻
  • diffview is optional but highly recommended for visualizing, reverting, or undoing Aider's changes 🔍
  • snacks is optional but displays a spinner while Aider is active 🔄
  • fzf-lua or Telescope are optional but enhance file selection 🔍
  • willothy/flatten.nvim (only if you want to use /editor command) 🧑‍💻

📦 Installation

Install aider.nvim using your preferred plugin manager:

Using lazy.nvim

return {
    dependencies = {
      -- required for core functionality

      -- for fuzzy file `/add`ing functionality ("ibhagwan/fzf-lua" supported as well)

      -- Optional, but great for diff viewing and after_update_hook integration

      -- Optional but will show aider spinner whenever active

      -- Only if you care about using the /editor command
    lazy = false,
    opts = {
      -- Auto trigger diffview after Aider's file changes
      after_update_hook = function()
        require("diffview").open({ "HEAD^" })
    keys = {
        desc = "Toggle Aidper (default)",
        desc = "Toggle Aider",
        "<cmd>AiderToggle float<CR>",
        desc = "Toggle Aider Float",
        "<cmd>AiderToggle vertical<CR>",
        desc = "Toggle Aider Float",
        desc = "Add file to aider",
        desc = "Ask with selection",
        mode = { "v", "n" },
        desc = "Change model",
        "<cmd>AiderSend /model sonnet<CR>",
        desc = "Switch to sonnet",
        "<cmd>AiderSend /model haiku<CR>",
        desc = "Switch to haiku",
        "<cmd>AiderSend /model gemini/gemini-exp-1206<CR>",
        desc = "Switch to haiku",
        desc = "Toggle Aider",
        mode = { "i", "t", "n" },
      -- Helpful mappings to utilize to manage aider changes
        "<cmd>Gitsigns change_base HEAD^<CR>",
        desc = "Gitsigns pick reversals",
        "<cmd>DiffviewOpen HEAD^<CR>",
        desc = "Diffview HEAD^",
        desc = "Diffview",
        desc = "Diffview close",
  use {
    dependencies = {
      -- required for core functionality

      -- for fuzzy file `/add`ing functionality ("ibhagwan/fzf-lua" supported as well)

      -- Optional, but great for diff viewing and after_update_hook integration

      -- Optional but will show aider spinner whenever active

      -- Only if you care about using the /editor command
    config = function()
        -- Auto trigger diffview after Aider's file changes
        after_update_hook = function()
          require("diffview").open({ "HEAD^" })

      -- Add keymaps
      local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true }
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>as', '<cmd>AiderSpawn<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Toggle Aider (default)' }))
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>a<space>', '<cmd>AiderToggle<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Toggle Aider' }))
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>af', '<cmd>AiderToggle float<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Toggle Aider Float' }))
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>av', '<cmd>AiderToggle vertical<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Toggle Aider Vertical' }))
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>al', '<cmd>AiderAdd<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Add file to aider' }))
      vim.keymap.set({ 'v', 'n' }, '<leader>ad', '<cmd>AiderAsk<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Ask with selection' }))
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>am', '<cmd>Telescope model_picker<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Change model' }))
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ams', '<cmd>AiderSend /model sonnet<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Switch to sonnet' }))
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>amh', '<cmd>AiderSend /model haiku<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Switch to haiku' }))
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>amg', '<cmd>AiderSend /model gemini/gemini-exp-1206<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Switch to Gemini' }))
      vim.keymap.set({ 'i', 't', 'n' }, '<C-x>', '<cmd>AiderToggle<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Toggle Aider' }))
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>au', '<cmd>AiderSend /undo<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Aider undo' }))
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ac', '<cmd>AiderComment<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Add AI comment' }))
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>aC', '<cmd>AiderComment!<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Add AI! comment' }))
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>aq', '<cmd>AiderCommentAsk<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Add AI? question' }))
      -- Helpful mappings to utilize to manage aider changes
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ghh', '<cmd>Gitsigns change_base HEAD^<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Gitsigns pick reversals' }))
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>dvh', '<cmd>DiffviewOpen HEAD^<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Diffview HEAD^' }))
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>dvo', '<cmd>DiffviewOpen<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Diffview' }))
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>dvc', '<cmd>DiffviewClose!<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Diffview close' }))

Using vim-plug

call plug#begin()
Plug 'aweis89/aider.nvim'
Plug 'akinsho/toggleterm.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' -- for fuzzy file `/add`ing functionality
Plug 'sindrets/diffview.nvim' -- Optional, but great for diff viewing
Plug 'folke/snacks.nvim' -- Optional but will show aider spinner whenever active
Plug 'willothy/flatten.nvim' -- Only if you care about using /editor command

lua << EOF
  -- Auto trigger diffview after Aider's file changes
  after_update_hook = function()
    require("diffview").open({ "HEAD^" })

-- Add keymaps
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>as', '<cmd>AiderSpawn<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Toggle Aider (default)' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>a<space>', '<cmd>AiderToggle<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Toggle Aider' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>af', '<cmd>AiderToggle float<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Toggle Aider Float' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>av', '<cmd>AiderToggle vertical<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Toggle Aider Vertical' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>al', '<cmd>AiderAdd<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Add file to aider' })
vim.keymap.set({ 'v', 'n' }, '<leader>ad', '<cmd>AiderAsk<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Ask with selection' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>am', '<cmd>Telescope model_picker<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Change model' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ams', '<cmd>AiderSend /model sonnet<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Switch to sonnet' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>amh', '<cmd>AiderSend /model haiku<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Switch to haiku' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>amg', '<cmd>AiderSend /model gemini/gemini-exp-1206<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Switch to Gemini' })
vim.keymap.set({ 'i', 't', 'n' }, '<C-x>', '<cmd>AiderToggle<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Toggle Aider' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>au', '<cmd>AiderSend /undo<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Aider undo' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ac', '<cmd>AiderComment<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Add AI comment' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>aC', '<cmd>AiderComment!<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Add AI! comment' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>aq', '<cmd>AiderCommentAsk<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Add AI? question' })
-- Helpful mappings to utilize to manage aider changes
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ghh', '<cmd>Gitsigns change_base HEAD^<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Gitsigns pick reversals' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>dvh', '<cmd>DiffviewOpen HEAD^<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Diffview HEAD^' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>dvo', '<cmd>DiffviewOpen<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Diffview' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>dvc', '<cmd>DiffviewClose!<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Diffview close' })
call plug#end()

⌨️ Commands

  • :AiderComment[!] - Add an AI comment on the current line. With ! adds an AI! comment, without adds an AI comment. Automatically triggers Aider's functionality based on comment type.
  • :AiderCommentAsk - Add an AI? comment on the current line to ask a question. Automatically triggers Aider's question functionality and removes the comment after the question is sent.
  • :AiderToggle [direction] - Toggle the Aider terminal window. Optional direction can be:
    • vertical - Switch to vertical split
    • horizontal - Switch to horizontal split
    • float - Switch to floating window
    • tab - Switch to new tab (best for fullscreen toggle)
    • Without a direction argument, it opens in the last specified direction (or the toggleterm specified default). With a direction argument, it will switch the terminal to that layout (even if already open).
  • :AiderAdd [files...] - Add files to the Aider session. If no files are specified, the current file is added
    • :AiderLoad is deprecated and will be removed in a future version - use :AiderAdd instead
  • :AiderReadOnly [files...] - Add files to the Aider session in read-only mode. If no files are specified, the current file is added 📂
  • :AiderAsk [prompt] - Ask a question using the /ask command. Without a prompt, an input popup will appear. In visual mode, the selected text is added to the prompt
  • :AiderSend [command] - Send a command to Aider. In visual mode, the selected text is added to the command
  • :AiderFixDiagnostics Send neovim diagnostics to Aider for fixing. Either visual mode to send diagnostics for the selected text, or normal mode to send all of current files diagnostics

🤝 FZF-lua Integration

Integrating with fzf-lua allows for quick and efficient loading of files into Aider directly from the fzf-lua file pickers. When fzf-lua is installed, you can use mappings in the following native pickers:

  • Files: Regular file picker (:FzfLua files)
  • Git Files: Files tracked by Git (:FzfLua git_files)
  • Oldfiles: Recently opened files (:FzfLua oldfiles)
  • Buffers: Open buffers (:FzfLua buffers)
  • Git Status: Modified/untracked files (:FzfLua git_status)


  • Load files: Navigate to files and press Ctrl-l to load them into Aider (supports multi-select)
  • Load read-only: Press Ctrl-r to load files in read-only mode (supports multi-select)
  • Remove files: Press Ctrl-z to remove files from Aider (supports multi-select)
  • The files will be automatically added to your current Aider session if one exists, or start a new session if none is active
    • If watch_mode is set (as per the default), the file will be added in the background, otherwise Aider will be brought to the foreground
    • Note: AiderLoad is deprecated - use AiderAdd instead

🔭 Telescope Integration

Telescope integration enables seamless file loading into Aider from various Telescope pickers. When Telescope is installed, you can use <C-l> load files into Aider:

  • Current pickers with this registered action include: find_files, git_files, buffers and oldfiles 🔭
  • Load files: Navigate to files and press <C-l> to load them into Aider (supports multi-select)
  • Load read-only: Press <C-r> to load files in read-only mode (supports multi-select)
  • Remove files: Press <C-z> to remove files from Aider (supports multi-select)
  • The files will be automatically added to your current Aider session if one exists, or start a new session if none is active.
    • If watch_mode is set (as per the default), the file will be added in the background, otherwise Aider will be brought to the foreground

⚙️ Configuration

The plugin can be configured during setup:

  -- Automatically start Aider when an AI comment (`ai!`, `ai?`, or `ai`) is written
  spawn_on_comment = true,

  -- Automatically show aider terminal window
  auto_show = {
    on_ask = true, -- e.x. `ai? comment`
    on_change_req = false, -- e.x. `ai! comment`
    on_file_add = true, -- e.x. when using Telescope or `AiderLoad` to add files

  -- function to run when aider updates file/s, useful for triggering git diffs
  after_update_hook = nil,

  -- Filters for the `Telescope model_picker`
  model_picker_search = { "^anthropic/", "^openai/", "^gemini/" "^deepseek/" },

  -- Enable the `--watch-files` flag for Aider, enabling automatic startup on valid comment creation
  watch_files = true,

  -- Configuration for `snacks.nvim` progress notifications
  progress_notifier = {
    style = "compact",
    -- * compact: use border for icon and title
    -- * minimal: no border, only icon and message
    -- * fancy: similar to the default nvim-notify style

  -- Display Aider's logs using fidget.nvim (requires fidget.nvim)
  log_notifier = false,

  -- code theme to use for markdown blocks when in dark mode
  code_theme_dark = "monokai",

  -- code theme to use for markdown blocks when in light mode
  code_theme_light = "default",

  -- Command to open a nested editor when invoking `/editor` from the Aider terminal (requires `flatten.nvim`)
  editor_command = "nvim --cmd 'let g:flatten_wait=1' --cmd 'cnoremap wq write<bar>bdelete<bar>startinsert'",

  -- auto insert mode
  auto_insert = true,

  -- additional arguments for aider CLI
  aider_args = {},

  -- always start aider on startup
  spawn_on_startup = false,

  -- Restart Aider when the working directory changes.
  -- Note that `aider.nvim` maintains separate terminals for each directory, often making restarts unnecessary.
  restart_on_chdir = false,

  -- function to run (e.x. for term mappings) when terminal is opened
  on_term_open = nil,

  -- Determines whether to use dark themes for code blocks and the `--dark-mode` flag (if a supported theme is unavailable)
  dark_mode = function()
    return vim.o.background == "dark"
  -- auto scroll terminal on output
  auto_scroll = true,
  -- Window layout settings for the Aider terminal
  win = {
    -- type of window layout to use
    direction = "float", -- can be 'float', 'vertical', 'horizontal', 'tab'
    -- size function for terminal
    size = function(term)
      if term.direction == "horizontal" then
        return math.floor(vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(0) * 0.4)
      elseif term.direction == "vertical" then
        return math.floor(vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(0) * 0.4)
    -- Flat configuration options (see `toggleterm.nvim` for valid options)
    float_opts = {
      border = "single",
      width = function()
        return math.floor(vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(0) * 0.95)
      height = function()
        return math.floor(vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(0) * 0.95)
  -- Telescope key mappings
  telescope = {
    -- Runs `/add <files>` for selected entries (with multi-select supported)
    add = "<C-l>",
    -- Runs `/read-only <files>` for selected entries (with multi-select supported)
    read_only = "<C-r>",
    -- Runs `/drop <files>` for selected entries (with multi-select supported)
    drop = "<C-z>",
  -- fzf-lua key mappings
  fzf = {
    -- Runs `/add <files>` for selected entries (with multi-select supported)
    add = "ctrl-l",
    -- Runs `/read-only <files>` for selected entries (with multi-select supported)
    read_only = "ctrl-r",
    -- Runs `/drop <files>` for selected entries (with multi-select supported)
    drop = "ctrl-z",
  -- theme colors for aider
  theme = nil,

  -- The Git pager to use. Defaults to `cat` to prevent blocking the `after_update_hook`
  git_pager = "cat",

  -- Enable experimental tmux support
  use_tmux = false,

Git Tips & Integration

Recommended Git Practices

To get the most out of aider.nvim, it's essential to use Git effectively. Git is the primary tool for managing and viewing changes made by Aider. Fortunately, Neovim offers excellent tools for Git integration, including diffview, gitsigns, and telescope (or fzf-lua). Familiarizing yourself with these tools and using them alongside aider.nvim will significantly enhance your Neovim Aider experience.

Simplified Git Workflow (--no-auto-commits)

For users less familiar with Git commands like git reset, a simplified workflow is available using the --no-auto-commits option. You can set this option via aider_args or in the ~/.aider.conf.yml file. This approach simplifies the Git actions needed to manage Aider's changes, however, it reduces your ability to view prior changes that were overridden.

Visualizing Changes Without Auto-commits

With --no-auto-commits, Aider does not commit changes automatically, leaving them uncommitted in your working directory. Use the after_update_hook to visualize these changes with either diffview or Telescope:

-- Using diffview to show the diff:
after_update_hook = function()

-- Using telescope to show the diffs:
after_update_hook = function()
  vim.cmd("Telescope git_status")

-- Using fzf-lua to show the diffs:
after_update_hook = function()
  vim.cmd("FzfLua git_status")

These hooks display diffs of Aider's changes alongside other uncommitted modifications in your working directory. After reviewing, commit all changes to accept them, or use gitsigns for selective staging, unstaging, or reverting individual hunks or files.

Useful gitsigns Mappings

Here are some useful gitsigns mappings (adapted from LazyVim) that can help you manage changes when using this simplified workflow:

local function map(mode, lhs, rhs, opts)
  vim.keymap.set(mode, lhs, rhs, opts)

map("n", "]h", function()
  if vim.wo.diff then
    vim.cmd.normal({ "]c", bang = true })
end, "Next Hunk")
map("n", "[h", function()
  if vim.wo.diff then
    vim.cmd.normal({ "[c", bang = true })
end, "Prev Hunk")
map("n", "]H", function() gs.nav_hunk("last") end, "Last Hunk")
map("n", "[H", function() gs.nav_hunk("first") end, "First Hunk")
map({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>ghs", ":Gitsigns stage_hunk<CR>", "Stage Hunk")
map({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>ghr", ":Gitsigns reset_hunk<CR>", "Reset Hunk")
map("n", "<leader>ghS", gs.stage_buffer, "Stage Buffer")
map("n", "<leader>ghu", gs.undo_stage_hunk, "Undo Stage Hunk")
map("n", "<leader>ghR", gs.reset_buffer, "Reset Buffer")
map("n", "<leader>ghp", gs.preview_hunk_inline, "Preview Hunk Inline")
map("n", "<leader>ghd", gs.diffthis, "Diff This")
map("n", "<leader>ghD", function() gs.diffthis("~") end, "Diff This ~")

The trade-off with this approach is a less detailed history, showing only the most recent changes made by Aider. If you want to maintain a comprehensive history, consider using the advanced Git mode.

Advanced Git Workflow (Auto-commits)

This workflow deepens Aider-Git integration by utilizing Aider's default commit settings. Aider creates a Git commit for each modification, including the prompts used. This provides a complete history of Aider's changes and enables effective management using Git tools. Recommended for advanced users, this approach requires familiarity with various git reset commands. Experimenting with this workflow on a feature branch is highly recommended.

Visualizing Changes with Auto-commits

With auto-commits, use the after_update_hook to view the diff of Aider's last change or the complete history of changes:

-- Using diffview to show the diff of the last change made by Aider:
after_update_hook = function()
  vim.cmd("DiffviewOpen HEAD^")

-- Using diffview to show the entire history of changes made by Aider:
after_update_hook = function()

-- Using telescope to show the entire history of changes made by Aider:
after_update_hook = function()
  vim.cmd("Telescope git_commits")

diffview offers a visual way to review changes. Telescope can also be customized with the delta pager for improved diff previews. In diffview, the actions.restore_entry mapping enables local restoration of files to previous states. After restoring, use gitsigns to accept hunks or preview specific hunk diffs from the last Aider commit.

By default, selecting a commit in Telescope performs a git checkout <commit>. Use git branch -f <branch> HEAD to move your branch's HEAD to that commit, effectively undoing Aider's last change. Telescope also supports custom actions for more advanced Git operations. For instance, create a custom action for a git reset --soft on the selected commit, enabling further modification of Aider's changes while keeping a more concise history. With git reset --soft, gitsigns helps in reverting hunks/files or previewing specific hunk diffs. Refer to these Telescope customizations for examples of custom actions and delta pager integration for enhanced diffs.

While gitsigns is useful for post-revert hunk management, it can also be used directly with Gitsigns change_base HEAD^. This makes the gitsigns mappings operate on the last Aider commit instead of uncommitted changes.

Useful Keybindings for Advanced Git Workflow

These keybindings enable quick access to: the diff of Aider's last change (<leader>dvh), the diff of all uncommitted changes (<leader>dvo), closing Diffview (<leader>dvc), and using Gitsigns on the last Aider commit (<leader>ghh).

-- View the diff of the last change made by Aider
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dvh", ":DiffviewOpen HEAD^<CR>", { desc = "Diffview HEAD^" })

-- View the diff of all uncommitted changes
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dvo", ":DiffviewOpen<CR>", { desc = "Diffview" })

-- Close Diffview
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dvc", ":DiffviewClose!<CR>", { desc = "Diffview close" })

-- Use Gitsigns to operate on the last Aider commit
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ghh", ":Gitsigns change_base HEAD^<CR>", { desc = "Gitsigns pick reversals" })

🪪 License



No description, website, or topics provided.






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