- Download and install xampp
- Download and install git
- Configure git by running these commands from the git bash (without the <>)
git config --global user.name "<Name>"
git config --global user.email <email address>
- Go to github.com and sign up
- Click account settings > SSH Keys (Click the "need help" link and follow the instructions to create an ssh key. You will probably need to run
mkdir ./ssh
before runningcd ./ssh
) - Email guild@augustana.edu with your github username and request to be added to the developers team
- Sign up on the pivotal tracker website
- Email guild@augustana.edu and request to be added to Development Projects
- Clone this project to your desktop (run comands in git bash)
git clone git@github.com:awguild/WebGuild.git ~/desktop/WebGuild
sh ~/desktop/WebGuild/scripts/Windowscheckout.sh //type yes if prompted for rsa fingerprint
- Make sure Apache is running in XAMPP
- Open the project's folder in a text editor (like Sublime)
- Open the git bash
cd /c/xampp/htdocs/<projectName>
- Pull newest changes
git pull origin
- Create a new branch (without the <>)
git checkout -b <name>
- Edits files to satisfy user story
- Stage changes and commit (without the <>)
git add .
git commit -m "<description of what you did in this commit>"
- Push your feature branch to github (without the <>)
git push -u origin <name>
- Create a pull request. Use [fixes #storyID] in the commit message (WITH the brackets)
- Merge pull request (if applicable wait for someone to review your work)
- Delete your feature branch from github (click the delete branch button)
- Clean up your local repo (without the <>)
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git branch -d <feature branch name>
- Copy files from htdocs to folder on freya (until we have post commit hooks set up)
###Creating new repo
- Sign in to github and change your context to awguild
- Click the New repository button (Set the repo name to match the folder name in freya; set to public; ignore README;)
- Click Create Repository
- Copy code from freya to the desktop
- In GitBash, do
cd ~/Desktop/<NameOfProject> //changes directory to project directory
git init //initializes a new git repo
git add . //stages all the files for the next commit
git commit -m "Initial commit" //creates a commit with the message "Initial commit"
git remote add origin <SSH URL> //creates a new remote called origin that points to this project's Github SSH URL
git push -u origin master //pushes the master branch to your origin remote (GitHub)
- Check repo on GitHub to make sure you have all the files
- Add repo to checkout script(s), should look like
git clone git@github.com:awguild/<projectName>.git /C/xampp/htdocs/<projectName>
- Log into pivotal tracker as guild@augustana.edu
- Grab the api token from AugustanaWebGuild > Profile
- Click the Settings > Service Hooks on the github repo (not account settings, the repo settings)
- Paste the api token, check the active box, and hit update
- Add the repo to the developers team on github so that members of that team can push changes to the code