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Amazon Bedrock Agent Evaluation

Bedrock Agent Evaluation is an evlauation framework for Amazon Bedrock agent tool-use and chain-of-thought reasoning.


  • Test your own Bedrock Agent with custom questions
  • Includes built-in evaluation for RAG, Text2SQL, and Chain-of-Thought
  • Extend the capabilities to include custom tool evaluations
  • Integrated with LangFuse for easy observability of evaluation results

(Include a demo video here)

Screenshots / Code block to include:

  1. Driver code snippet?
  2. Run_Evaluation function code snippet?
  3. Evaluator tool function code snippet?
  4. Screenshots of langfuse dashboard
  5. Screenshot of langfuse trace and evaluation metrics

How to use

Deployment environment options

  1. Clone this repo in a SageMaker notebook (Link to how to do it)
  2. Clone this repo locally and set up AWS CLI credentials to your AWS account (Link to how to do it)

Pre-Requisites for Running

  1. Install required dependency for the framework from requirements.txt
  2. Setup LangFuse account and create a project using the cloud (Link to langfuse) or self-host option for AWS (Link to aws self hosted langfuse repo)

Option 1: Bring your own agent to evaluate

  1. Bring your existing agent you want to evaluate(Currently RAG and Text2SQL evaluations built-in)
  2. Create a dataset file for evaluations, manually or using the generator (Refer to the sample_data_file.json for the necessary format)
  3. Copy the into a '' configuration file
  4. Run to run the evaluation job
  5. Check the LangFuse console to see the traces

Option 2: Create Sample Agents to run Evaluations

Follow the instructions in in the blog_sample_agents folder

Navigating the Langfuse Traces and Dashboard

  1. How each traces are structured and sent
  2. What are included in each hierarchy level of trace / generation / span
  3. What tags we are including and how to filter
  4. How to use the dashboard
  5. How to compare evaluation scores
  6. How to compare model latency


Version 1: What to include in documentation:

  1. How the framework is structured (Each component/file of the framework): Driver, evaluators, setting up langfuse, custom evaluators
  2. How evaluations are implemented and the workflow
  3. How to add custom evaluators
  4. How to modify langfuse traces
  5. How to modify evaluation logic for existing evaluations

Future iteration plan:

  1. Change the framework to a more trajectory based rather than per question
  2. Use Opentelemetry collectors for more accurate tracing
  3. Abstract out the logic for trace parsing for bedrock calls
  4. Make it Platform agnostic? (Might have to create multiple versions that needs to be imported for this)
  5. Evaluation should be more trajectory and goal fulfillment / tool adherence rather than individual tools, and provide them with built-in metrics that can be chosen for each evaluation rather than evaluations for each tool
  6. For langfuse evalutors, integrate more with langfuse capabilities: Dataset to run evaluations on langfuse, human annotation for human in the loop
  7. A streamlit UI for online evaluation feature demo


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.