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Operationalize a Machine Learning model with Amazon SageMaker Featurestore and Amazon SageMaker DataWrangler Using CDK


The goal of the project is to realize a demonstration of an end-to-end machine learning workflow, including the following automated pipelines:

  • Feature jobs and store into Feature Store
  • Train and validate models
  • deploy real-time endpoint, including an API gateway and a lambda function to integrate the request payload with features from the FeatureStore
  • batch inference, to periodically score a large dataset. The resulting inference are automatically uploaded to DynamoDB to be served with an API gateway

Each pipeline is deployed by CodePipeline, based on its own repository.
The entire workflow is described by a single CFN template.
The cloudformation template serves as the basis for a custom SageMaker Project.

AWS Innovate - AI/ML Edition 2022

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A CloudFormation template is available here. After downloading the template on your local machine, you can deploy it following the indications in Creating a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console.
The deployment of this sample will create resources outside of AWS free tier. Please review the [Running Costs](#running-costs section of this document.


There are two basic environments to install/configure: CDK and Python to deploy (and develop) this project:

  • CDK
  • Python


The root project uses CDK to generate the CFN templates. For instructions on how to install CDK, check the relevant documentation.


The minimum python version is set to python 3.8, package dependencies are managed via pyproject.toml file, via poetry.
To install the python virtual environment, steps are

  1. install poetry
  2. cd into the folder of the project
  3. poetry install --no-dev

To activate the venv created by poetry:

poetry shell

Deployment using AWS Cloud9

To deploy the project from AWS Cloud9, it is necessary to install python 3.8.x, install npm, and install cdk. From a new environment based on AL2 (it is sufficient a t3.small instance)

Install python 3.8.*

sudo amazon-linux-extras enable python3.8
sudo yum install python38 -y

Install Poetry

curl -sSL | python -

Update npm and install CDK

npm install -g npm@latest cdk@latest

If necessary, bootstrap CDK in the account

cdk bootstrap

Deploy the CDK project

Clone the repository:

git clone --depth=1

After cloning the repository, cd into the repository root folder, then

  1. Install and activate the poetry environment
poetry install --no-dev
poetry shell
  1. Check that the project synthetize without issues
(env-name)~$ cdk synth
  1. Find Execution Role ARN to be associated with the Amazon SageMaker Project and store it in an environmental variable
(env-name)~$ export StudioUserRoleARN=<execution role ARN>
  1. Deploy with CDK
(env-name)~$ cdk deploy --parameters StudioUserRoleARN=$EXECUTION_ROLE_ARN


The solution consists of an Amazon SageMaker Project that deploys three CI/CD pipelines in CodePipeline.


Each pipeline consists of

  1. Source stage, a CodeCommit repository
  2. Synth stage, that synthesizes a CDK project into a CloudFormation template
  3. Manual approval
  4. Deploy stage, that deploys the CloudFormation template

After all pipelines have completed their executions, the resulting architecture looks like the diagram below.architecture.drawio

For a successful deployment of the entire architecture, it is necessary to upload the expected Raw data in the specified S3 location. The location, as well as other reference parameters, are stored in System Manager Parameter Store.

The SageMaker Project template also includes a Demo repository that contains two Jupyter Notebook, offering a walk-through of the demo features and an overview of the Data Scientist specific workflow.

Running Costs

This section outlines cost considerations for running this demo. Completing the pipeline will deploy an endpoint with 1 production variants which will cost less than $4 per day. Further cost breakdowns are below.

  • CodeBuild – Charges per minute used. First 100 minutes each month come at no charge. For information on pricing beyond the first 100 minutes, see AWS CodeBuild Pricing.

  • CodeCommit – $1/month.

  • CodePipeline – CodePipeline costs $1 per active pipeline* per month. Pipelines are free for the first 30 days after creation. More can be found at AWS CodePipeline Pricing.

  • SageMaker – Prices vary based on EC2 instance usage for the Studio Apps, Model Hosting, Model Training and Model Monitoring; each charged per hour of use. For more information, see Amazon SageMaker Pricing.

    • The four ml.m5.xlarge baseline, dataset creation and inference jobs run for approx 1 minutes at $0.23 an hour.
    • The one ml.m5.large instance for staging hosting endpoint costs $0.144 per hour, or $3.456 per day.
    • The two ml.m5.4xlarge instances for DataWrangler processing jobs run for approx 1 minutes at $0.92 per hour.
    • The ml.m5.xlarge instances for model monitor schedule at $0.92 an hour, and cost less than $1 per day.
    • The ml.c5.xlarge instance for Clarify runs for approx 2 minutes at $0.235.
    • The ml.m4.xlargeinstance for training runs for approx 1 minute at $0.30 an hour.
  • S3 – Low cost, prices will vary depending on the size of the models/artifacts stored. The first 50 TB each month will cost only $0.023 per GB stored. For more information, see Amazon S3 Pricing.

  • Lambda - Low cost, $0.20 per 1 million request see AWS Lambda Pricing.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


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