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Build a complete livestreaming workflow using automated deployments


This workshop is designed and intended for anyone with an interest in learning how to deploy video workflows on AWS Elemental Media Services with a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) approach. The code in this repository is intended to go along with the Workshop Studio. This workshop has 3 core tasks that should take the duration of the workshop (2 hours) - however if you have time, please look at the advanced topics section and select one that is most interesting and relevant for you (they all build on from task 3).

A step-by-step workshop is also available for this content.

Cloning the repo

Note: Please be aware that the main branch contains the starter of the workshop - it is incomplete, so won't compile or deploy. The first stable branch is task-1.


Task-1: Deploying a basic Live Streaming Workflow

In this task you will build a basic live streaming workflow using MediaLive, MediaPackage and CloudFront. Along with implementing security features such as Origin protection in MediaPackage and CloudFront.

Task 1 Architecture

Task-2: Adding Dynamic Ad Insertion to the Live Streaming Workflow

Building on what you built in task 1, you will add in MediaTailor for Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) for to demonstrate how to monetize your stream with ads. MediaTailor does this service side (SSAI)

Task 2 Architecture

Task-3: Adding Token Authorization to the Live Streaming Workflow

Security is important for your live workflows, one of the security measures you can add is our "Secure Media Delivery at the Edge" solution. This allows you to tokenize the URL's you distribute to users.

Task 3 Architecture

Advanced Topics

If you have time in the workshop, you might want to explore our advanced topics section.

Session revocation

Building on the Secure Media Delivery at the Edge solution, you are able to revoke URL's/tokens when necessary. In this task you will use WAF + the session revocation module to block tokens from consuming the stream.

Session Revocation

Live2VOD: Harvesting VOD

In your workflow, you may require the need to harvest your live streams (i.e. live to VoD). In this task you will implement an API and backend solution to trigger, capture and ingest these clips. Note: this sample code does not include CloudFront in front of MediaPackage VoD - we recommend you use/add one in your workflows.


Adding CMCD

Using telemetry and data for stream quality and performance analysis is vital in any live workflow to both analyse how your CDN is performing and also tying it back with client-side analytics. In this task we will show you how to use CloudFront realtime logs, and store them into an S3 bucket for further analysis (via Kinesis).


Branch Overview

Branch Overview Example Services
main Starter project for the workshop - this has a basic live video workflow included. Starter branch - this is incomplete and will not compile or deploy. CodePipeline
task-1 Add Media Services to the project MediaLive, MediaPackage, CloudFront
task-2 Building on previous branch, building SSAI into live workflow task-1 + MediaTailor
task-3 Implement Secure Media Delivery@edge solution with the live SSAI workflow task-2 + CloudFront Functions, Demo Site
smd-with-waf Implement Secure Media Delivery@edge solution with the live SSAI workflow task-3 + WAF
live2vod Add ability to do Live2VOD harvesting off our live video workflow task-3 + Lambda, API Gateway, MediaPackage VoD
cmcd Add ability capture CMCD data from CloudFront logs - in simple form to an S3 bucket task-3 + S3, Kinesis, RealTimeLogConfig

Deploying the Pipeline

Find stacks defined in App

For reference, you can find stacks that are available in the CDK app using the following commmand:

npm run cdk ls

Stack Diff

If you want to find differences between a stack already deployed in your account, and the CDK App you have locally you can use:

npm run cdk diff <stack-name>

Note: replacing <stack-name> with the stack name you are interested in

Pipeline Deploy

To deploy the pipeline for the workshop, use the following command:

npm run cdk deploy workshop-pipeline-stack

Developer Experience

Code linting and formatting

In this repository we have used tools such as Prettier and ESLint to keep code formatted and consistent. This is part of the projects devDependencies - to run these tools you can see the scripts in package.json.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


No description, website, or topics provided.



Code of conduct

Security policy





No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
