NOTE: This is in conjunction with an AWS blog, for more documentation please see: Deploy a quicksight dashboard to monitor aws glue ETL job metrics and set alarms
Example architecture showing how to collect Glue metrics from both cloudwatch and the Glue API and visualize them in Quicksight. Can be adapted to any use case where you want to collect metrics and information on an event based schedule and visualize it in Quicksight.
IMPORTANT: You must enable quicksight and create a quicksight user in the console before deploying this stack. Additionally, all pre-requisites for deploying via CDK must be met and Docker must be up and running (to build/bundle Lambda code).
npm install
cdk deploy \
--parameters BucketName=<bucket-name> \
--parameters QuicksightUsername=<username>
cdk destroy
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This sample code is licensed under MIT-0.