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feat(core): duration.toHumanString() (#6691)
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Add a function for `Duration` to render itself to a human readable

This can be used in dashboards or other situations where Durations need
to be represented.
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rix0rrr authored Mar 12, 2020
1 parent bed5357 commit d833bea
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Showing 4 changed files with 133 additions and 36 deletions.
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions packages/@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb/test/test.dynamodb.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { expect, haveResource, ResourcePart, SynthUtils } from '@aws-cdk/assert';
import * as appscaling from '@aws-cdk/aws-applicationautoscaling';
import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
import { App, CfnDeletionPolicy, ConstructNode, RemovalPolicy, Stack, Tag } from '@aws-cdk/core';
import { App, CfnDeletionPolicy, ConstructNode, Duration, RemovalPolicy, Stack, Tag } from '@aws-cdk/core';
import { Test } from 'nodeunit';
import {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@ export = {

test.deepEqual(stack.resolve(table.metricConsumedReadCapacityUnits()), {
period: { amount: 5, unit: { label: 'minutes', inSeconds: 60 } },
period: Duration.minutes(5),
dimensions: { TableName: { Ref: 'TableCD117FA1' } },
namespace: 'AWS/DynamoDB',
metricName: 'ConsumedReadCapacityUnits',
Expand All @@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ export = {

test.deepEqual(stack.resolve(table.metricConsumedWriteCapacityUnits()), {
period: { amount: 5, unit: { label: 'minutes', inSeconds: 60 } },
period: Duration.minutes(5),
dimensions: { TableName: { Ref: 'TableCD117FA1' } },
namespace: 'AWS/DynamoDB',
metricName: 'ConsumedWriteCapacityUnits',
Expand All @@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ export = {

test.deepEqual(stack.resolve(table.metricSystemErrors()), {
period: { amount: 5, unit: { label: 'minutes', inSeconds: 60 } },
period: Duration.minutes(5),
dimensions: { TableName: { Ref: 'TableCD117FA1' } },
namespace: 'AWS/DynamoDB',
metricName: 'SystemErrors',
Expand All @@ -1199,7 +1199,7 @@ export = {

test.deepEqual(stack.resolve(table.metricUserErrors()), {
period: { amount: 5, unit: { label: 'minutes', inSeconds: 60 } },
period: Duration.minutes(5),
dimensions: { TableName: { Ref: 'TableCD117FA1' } },
namespace: 'AWS/DynamoDB',
metricName: 'UserErrors',
Expand All @@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ export = {

test.deepEqual(stack.resolve(table.metricConditionalCheckFailedRequests()), {
period: { amount: 5, unit: { label: 'minutes', inSeconds: 60 } },
period: Duration.minutes(5),
dimensions: { TableName: { Ref: 'TableCD117FA1' } },
namespace: 'AWS/DynamoDB',
metricName: 'ConditionalCheckFailedRequests',
Expand All @@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ export = {

test.deepEqual(stack.resolve(table.metricSuccessfulRequestLatency()), {
period: { amount: 5, unit: { label: 'minutes', inSeconds: 60 } },
period: Duration.minutes(5),
dimensions: { TableName: { Ref: 'TableCD117FA1' } },
namespace: 'AWS/DynamoDB',
metricName: 'SuccessfulRequestLatency',
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105 changes: 89 additions & 16 deletions packages/@aws-cdk/core/lib/duration.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import { Token } from "./token";
export class Duration {
* Create a Duration representing an amount of milliseconds
* @param amount the amount of Milliseconds the `Duration` will represent.
* @returns a new `Duration` representing `amount` ms.
Expand All @@ -18,6 +20,8 @@ export class Duration {

* Create a Duration representing an amount of seconds
* @param amount the amount of Seconds the `Duration` will represent.
* @returns a new `Duration` representing `amount` Seconds.
Expand All @@ -26,6 +30,8 @@ export class Duration {

* Create a Duration representing an amount of minutes
* @param amount the amount of Minutes the `Duration` will represent.
* @returns a new `Duration` representing `amount` Minutes.
Expand All @@ -34,6 +40,8 @@ export class Duration {

* Create a Duration representing an amount of hours
* @param amount the amount of Hours the `Duration` will represent.
* @returns a new `Duration` representing `amount` Hours.
Expand All @@ -42,6 +50,8 @@ export class Duration {

* Create a Duration representing an amount of days
* @param amount the amount of Days the `Duration` will represent.
* @returns a new `Duration` representing `amount` Days.
Expand All @@ -50,8 +60,9 @@ export class Duration {

* Parse a period formatted according to the ISO 8601 standard (see
* Parse a period formatted according to the ISO 8601 standard
* @see
* @param duration an ISO-formtted duration to be parsed.
* @returns the parsed `Duration`.
Expand All @@ -64,11 +75,11 @@ export class Duration {
if (!days && !hours && !minutes && !seconds) {
throw new Error(`Not a valid ISO duration: ${duration}`);
return Duration.seconds(
+ (_toInt(minutes) * TimeUnit.Minutes.inSeconds)
+ (_toInt(hours) * TimeUnit.Hours.inSeconds)
+ (_toInt(days) * TimeUnit.Days.inSeconds)
return Duration.millis(
_toInt(seconds) * TimeUnit.Seconds.inMillis
+ (_toInt(minutes) * TimeUnit.Minutes.inMillis)
+ (_toInt(hours) * TimeUnit.Hours.inMillis)
+ (_toInt(days) * TimeUnit.Days.inMillis)

function _toInt(str: string): number {
Expand All @@ -90,44 +101,57 @@ export class Duration {

* Return the total number of milliseconds in this Duration
* @returns the value of this `Duration` expressed in Milliseconds.
public toMilliseconds(opts: TimeConversionOptions = {}): number {
return convert(this.amount, this.unit, TimeUnit.Milliseconds, opts);

* Return the total number of seconds in this Duration
* @returns the value of this `Duration` expressed in Seconds.
public toSeconds(opts: TimeConversionOptions = {}): number {
return convert(this.amount, this.unit, TimeUnit.Seconds, opts);

* Return the total number of minutes in this Duration
* @returns the value of this `Duration` expressed in Minutes.
public toMinutes(opts: TimeConversionOptions = {}): number {
return convert(this.amount, this.unit, TimeUnit.Minutes, opts);

* Return the total number of hours in this Duration
* @returns the value of this `Duration` expressed in Hours.
public toHours(opts: TimeConversionOptions = {}): number {
return convert(this.amount, this.unit, TimeUnit.Hours, opts);

* Return the total number of days in this Duration
* @returns the value of this `Duration` expressed in Days.
public toDays(opts: TimeConversionOptions = {}): number {
return convert(this.amount, this.unit, TimeUnit.Days, opts);

* @returns an ISO 8601 representation of this period (see
* Return an ISO 8601 representation of this period
* @returns a string starting with 'PT' describing the period
* @see
public toISOString(): string {
public toIsoString(): string {
if (this.amount === 0) { return 'PT0S'; }
switch (this.unit) {
case TimeUnit.Seconds:
Expand All @@ -143,6 +167,52 @@ export class Duration {

* Return an ISO 8601 representation of this period
* @returns a string starting with 'PT' describing the period
* @see
* @deprecated Use `toIsoString()` instead.
public toISOString(): string {
return this.toIsoString();

* Turn this duration into a human-readable string
public toHumanString(): string {
if (this.amount === 0) { return fmtUnit(0, this.unit); }
if (Token.isUnresolved(this.amount)) { return `<token> ${this.unit.label}`; }

let millis = convert(this.amount, this.unit, TimeUnit.Milliseconds, { integral: false });
const parts = new Array<string>();

for (const unit of [TimeUnit.Days, TimeUnit.Hours, TimeUnit.Hours, TimeUnit.Minutes, TimeUnit.Seconds]) {
const wholeCount = Math.floor(convert(millis, TimeUnit.Milliseconds, unit, { integral: false }));
if (wholeCount > 0) {
parts.push(fmtUnit(wholeCount, unit));
millis -= wholeCount * unit.inMillis;

// Remainder in millis
if (millis > 0) {
parts.push(fmtUnit(millis, TimeUnit.Milliseconds));

// 2 significant parts, that's totally enough for humans
return parts.slice(0, 2).join(' ');

function fmtUnit(amount: number, unit: TimeUnit) {
if (amount === 1) {
// All of the labels end in 's'
return `${amount} ${unit.label.substring(0, unit.label.length - 1)}`;
return `${amount} ${unit.label}`;

* Returns a string representation of this `Duration` that is also a Token that cannot be successfully resolved. This
* protects users against inadvertently stringifying a `Duration` object, when they should have called one of the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,13 +253,16 @@ export interface TimeConversionOptions {

class TimeUnit {
public static readonly Milliseconds = new TimeUnit('millis', 0.001);
public static readonly Seconds = new TimeUnit('seconds', 1);
public static readonly Minutes = new TimeUnit('minutes', 60);
public static readonly Hours = new TimeUnit('hours', 3_600);
public static readonly Days = new TimeUnit('days', 86_400);
public static readonly Milliseconds = new TimeUnit('millis', 1);
public static readonly Seconds = new TimeUnit('seconds', 1_000);
public static readonly Minutes = new TimeUnit('minutes', 60_000);
public static readonly Hours = new TimeUnit('hours', 3_600_000);
public static readonly Days = new TimeUnit('days', 86_400_000);

private constructor(public readonly label: string, public readonly inSeconds: number) {
private constructor(public readonly label: string, public readonly inMillis: number) {
// MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is 2^53, so by representing our duration in millis (the lowest
// common unit) the highest duration we can represent is
// 2^53 / 86*10^6 ~= 104 * 10^6 days (about 100 million days).

public toString() {
Expand All @@ -198,8 +271,8 @@ class TimeUnit {

function convert(amount: number, fromUnit: TimeUnit, toUnit: TimeUnit, { integral = true }: TimeConversionOptions) {
if (fromUnit.inSeconds === toUnit.inSeconds) { return amount; }
const multiplier = fromUnit.inSeconds / toUnit.inSeconds;
if (fromUnit.inMillis === toUnit.inMillis) { return amount; }
const multiplier = fromUnit.inMillis / toUnit.inMillis;

if (Token.isUnresolved(amount)) {
throw new Error(`Unable to perform time unit conversion on un-resolved token ${amount}.`);
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11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions packages/@aws-cdk/core/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,17 +57,6 @@
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39 changes: 37 additions & 2 deletions packages/@aws-cdk/core/test/test.duration.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import * as nodeunit from 'nodeunit';
import { Duration, Stack, Token } from '../lib';
import { Duration, Lazy, Stack, Token } from '../lib';

export = nodeunit.testCase({
'negative amount'(test: nodeunit.Test) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,22 @@ export = nodeunit.testCase({

'toIsoString'(test: nodeunit.Test) {
test.equal(Duration.seconds(0).toIsoString(), 'PT0S');
test.equal(Duration.minutes(0).toIsoString(), 'PT0S');
test.equal(Duration.hours(0).toIsoString(), 'PT0S');
test.equal(Duration.days(0).toIsoString(), 'PT0S');

test.equal(Duration.seconds(5).toIsoString(), 'PT5S');
test.equal(Duration.minutes(5).toIsoString(), 'PT5M');
test.equal(Duration.hours(5).toIsoString(), 'PT5H');
test.equal(Duration.days(5).toIsoString(), 'PT5D');

test.equal(Duration.seconds(1 + 60 * (1 + 60 * (1 + 24))).toIsoString(), 'PT1D1H1M1S');


'parse'(test: nodeunit.Test) {
test.equal(Duration.parse('PT0S').toSeconds(), 0);
test.equal(Duration.parse('PT0M').toSeconds(), 0);
Expand All @@ -107,7 +123,26 @@ export = nodeunit.testCase({
test.equal(Duration.parse('PT1D1H1M1S').toSeconds(), 1 + 60 * (1 + 60 * (1 + 24)));


'to human string'(test: nodeunit.Test) {
test.equal(Duration.minutes(0).toHumanString(), '0 minutes');
test.equal(Duration.minutes(Lazy.numberValue({ produce: () => 5 })).toHumanString(), '<token> minutes');

test.equal(Duration.minutes(10).toHumanString(), '10 minutes');
test.equal(Duration.minutes(1).toHumanString(), '1 minute');

test.equal(Duration.minutes(62).toHumanString(), '1 hour 2 minutes');

test.equal(Duration.seconds(3666).toHumanString(), '1 hour 1 minute');

test.equal(Duration.millis(3000).toHumanString(), '3 seconds');
test.equal(Duration.millis(3666).toHumanString(), '3 seconds 666 millis');

test.equal(Duration.millis(3.6).toHumanString(), '3.6 millis');


function floatEqual(test: nodeunit.Test, actual: number, expected: number) {
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