apigateway: disable execute api endpoint (#14526 ) (b3a7d5b )
aws-backup: Add arn attribute and grant method to backup vault (#14997 ) (04c0a07 ), closes #14996
cfnspec: cloudformation spec v38.0.0 (#15044 ) (632d518 )
cfnspec: cloudformation spec v39.1.0 (#15144 ) (abc457e )
cloudfront: add fromFile for CF functions (#14980 ) (31c9338 ), closes #14967
codestarnotifications: new L2 constructs (#10833 ) (645ebe1 ), closes #9680
core: allow user to provide docker --security-opt when bundling (#14682 ) (a418ea6 )
core: Support platform flag during asset build (#14908 ) (0189a9a )
dynamodb: exposes schema method to return partition and sort key of table or secondary indexes (#15111 ) (1137eb7 ), closes #7680
ecs-patterns: Add ability to configure VisibilityTimeout on QueueProcessing service pattern (#15052 ) (350d783 )
ecs-patterns: allow specifying security groups on ScheduledTask pattern (#15096 ) (6bdf1c0 ), closes #5213 #14220
ecs-patterns: expose task target on ScheduledTask pattern (#15127 ) (c31c59a ), closes #14971 #14953 #12609
lambda-event-sources: streams - report batch item failures (#14458 ) (3d4a13e ), closes #12654
logs: make the addition of permissions to Lambda functions optional (#14222 ) (0c50ec9 ), closes #14198
migration: add constructs migration to rewrite script (#14916 ) (37a4c8d )
pipelines: add test commands to standard synth actions (#14979 ) (0bc8a8a )
servicecatalog: initial implementation of the Portfolio construct (#15099 ) (203cc45 )
Bug Fixes
aws-iam: prevent adding duplicate resources and actions (#14712 ) (a8298cb ), closes #13611
cfn-include: NestedStack's Parameters are not converted to strings (#15098 ) (8ad33b8 ), closes #15092
cli: cdk synth
too eager with validation in Pipelines (#15147 ) (ae98e88 ), closes #14613 #15130
cli: cdk synth doesn't output yaml for stacks with dependency stacks (#14805 ) (44feee6 ), closes #3721
cli: deployment error traceback overwritten by progress bar (#14812 ) (d4a0af1 ), closes #14780
cli: HTTP timeout is too low for some asset uploads (#13575 ) (23c58d6 ), closes #13183
cli: option --all
selects stacks in nested assemblies (#15046 ) (0d00e50 )
cli: partition is not being resolved at missing value lookup (#15146 ) (cc7191e ), closes #15119
cli: stack glob patterns only select one stack (#15071 ) (fcd2a6e )
codebuild: Project's Role has permissions to the entire Bucket when using S3 as the source (#15112 ) (9d01b4f )
codebuild: Secret env variable as token from another account fails on Key decryption (#14483 ) (91e80d7 ), closes #14477
core: CloudFormation dynamic references can't be assigned to num… (#14913 ) (39aacc8 ), closes #14824
ecs: TagParameterContainerImage cannot be used across accounts (#15073 ) (486f2e5 ), closes #15070
kinesisanalytics-flink: set applicationName with L2 Application (#15060 ) (1de85f2 ), closes #15058
lambda: deployment failure when layers are added to container functions (#15037 ) (8127cf2 ), closes #14143
lambda-event-sources: kafka event source expects credentials even when accessed via vpc (#14804 ) (5eb1e75 )
pipelines: assets buildspec can exceed 25k size limit (#14974 ) (f7f367f )
pipelines: PublishAssetsAction uses hard-coded role names (#15118 ) (bad9713 )
pipelines: self-update role assumes hard-coded role names (#14969 ) (cbd7552 ), closes #14877 #9271
secretsmanager: support secrets rotation in partition 'aws-cn' (#14608 ) (5061a8d ), closes #13385
You can’t perform that action at this time.