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Git Pull Request Instructions

Enrico Usai edited this page May 24, 2022 · 4 revisions



First configure your remotes so that origin -> your fork and upstream -> main package:

$ git remote add upstream

Confirm they are setup properly:

$ git remote -vv
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

Branches for days

The first step before coding is to create a branch, it's helpful to branch off upstream/develop so git will tell you when the branch is out of sync.

$ git checkout -b wip/super-awesome-feature upstream/develop

Now write some code and unit tests

One feature one commit

Squash all the commits into one commit. Each feature should be one commit.

Then you can rebase & squash:

git fetch upstream && git rebase upstream/develop
git rebase -i upstream/develop

Then change pick to squash for all but 1 commit, for example:


Magical Tox

Next run tox -e autoformat to make travis happy:

pip install tox
cd cli && tox -e autoformat

Test your changes with tox

cd cli && tox

Commit the changes and force push:

git commit -a --amend
git push origin [your_branch] --force
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