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Release v1.35.22

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@aws-sdk-go-automation aws-sdk-go-automation released this 05 Nov 19:21

Release v1.35.22 (2020-11-05)

Service Client Updates

  • service/appmesh: Updates service API, documentation, paginators, and examples
  • service/dynamodb: Updates service API and documentation
    • This release adds a new ReplicaStatus INACCESSIBLE_ENCRYPTION_CREDENTIALS for the Table description, indicating when a key used to encrypt a regional replica table is not accessible.
  • service/ec2: Updates service API and documentation
    • Documentation updates for EC2.
  • service/es: Updates service API and documentation
    • Amazon Elasticsearch Service now provides the ability to define a custom endpoint for your domain and link an SSL certificate from ACM, making it easier to refer to Kibana and the domain endpoint.
  • service/eventbridge: Updates service API and documentation
  • service/events: Updates service API and documentation
    • With this release, customers can now reprocess past events by storing the events published on event bus in an encrypted archive.
  • service/frauddetector: Updates service API and documentation
  • service/kendra: Updates service API and documentation
    • Amazon Kendra now supports providing user context in your query requests, Tokens can be JSON or JWT format. This release also introduces support for Confluence cloud datasources.
  • service/lambda: Updates service API and documentation
    • Support Amazon MQ as an Event Source.
  • service/rds: Updates service API and documentation
    • Supports a new parameter to set the max allocated storage in gigabytes for the CreateDBInstanceReadReplica API.