I play a mobile game called Wordscapes, in which you are given 5-8 letters, and need to fill in a grid of words that can be spelled using those words.
After being stuck for an embarassing amount of time on a level, I decided to make a solver in Python that prompts the user for their starting leters, and then shows them every possible word that can be made from those letters.
My first crack at this problem was a simple brute force algorithm:
- (Pre-processing) Split a master list of every word into 26 separate files based on starting letter
- For each letter in my given letters:
- Open the file for words starting with that letter
- Loop through each word and see if it can be composed with only the given letters
This solution of course worked fine, but I wanted to do something more interesting/efficient.
My second solution involves performing further preprocessing of the data in order to process the possible words faster:
- (Pre-processing) Split a master list of every word into 26 separate files based on starting letter
- (Pre-processing) Process each file into a word tree (see here for description) which gets serialized to a file
- For each letter in my given letters:
- Deserialize the tree rooted with that letter
- Crawl the tree, only visiting child branches if we have those letters available to us in our given letters
- Any crawled nodes that are Words get added to the results list
The solution is more efficicent than the brute force solution because every child branch we visit is guaranteed to be leading us towards a valid word, so we are not wasting evaluations on paths that spell words that we can't form using our given letters.
Enter a letter (Press <ENTER> to stop): b
Current Letters: B
Enter a letter (Press <ENTER> to stop): a
Current Letters: B A
Enter a letter (Press <ENTER> to stop): l
Current Letters: B A L
Enter a letter (Press <ENTER> to stop): e
Current Letters: B A L E
Enter a letter (Press <ENTER> to stop): l
Current Letters: B A L E L
Enter a letter (Press <ENTER> to stop):
Computing possible word compinations...
2-Letter Words:
3-Letter Words:
4-Letter Words:
5-Letter Words: