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Repository files navigation (or weshare for short) is a simple file-sharing application that you can self-host on AWS and use as an alternative to file-transfer services such as WeTransfer or Dropbox Transfer.

The first version of this application was built from scratch by Eoin and Luciano on a series of live streams as part of the AWS Bites show. The full playlist (6 episodes / ~8 hours) is available on YouTube.

The idea was to showcase how to build a real application using AWS, Serverless, and Node.js. The application is still minimal but usable.

What are the use cases?

Imagine that you have a file you want to share with others, or even with yourself on another device. You don't want to use Google Drive, Dropbox, or any of the public cloud services, perhaps because they are blocked in some way. This codebase will allow you to deploy your own, branded file-sharing service!


  • Upload a file using REST APIs or a CLI application
  • Ability to use a custom domain
  • Authentication (OAuth 2.0 & OAuth 2.0 device flow)

The feature set is still minimal, but it gives you a fully functional and usable backend.

If there's any feature that you'd like to see here, please submit an issue or, even better, a PR.

Current Architecture

The current architecture makes use of the following services:

  • Lambda for the backend
  • API Gateway for the API
  • Cognito User Pool for authentication
  • S3 for file storage (using pre-signed URLs)
  • Route53 and ACM to manage your custom domains and certificates

A high-level architecture diagram is available in this repository.

The CLI authentication uses the OAuth 2.0 device authentication flow, which is not supported by Cognito by default, so we built a shim on top of the built-in Cognito OAuth 2.0 code flow. A diagram that showcases how that works is available.

Installation guide


  • Your AWS account
  • The AWS CLI configured with the right credentials to deploy to your AWS account
  • Node.js (v16 or higher)
  • Serverless framework (v3 or higher)
  • Your custom domain (easier if already registered with Route53)
  • A bash-compatible environment (Tested on macOS but it should also work on Linux and Windows with subsystem for Linux)
  • jq: optional but useful if you need to run some of the suggested CLI commands below

1. Get the code & dependencies

The first step is to get the code locally by cloning this repository:

git clone

Now you can run the following script to download the necessary dependencies for every package:


2. Configuration

Before deploying your weshare instance you need to provide some configuration.

To do that you have to create a file named config.cjs at the root of the project with the following content:

// @ts-check
'use strict'

const { defineConfig } = require('./weshare.cjs')

exports.config = defineConfig({
  // region: 'eu-west-1', // inferred from AWS_REGION or DEFAULT_AWS_REGION (or 'eu-west-1' if not set)
  // stage: 'dev', // the name of the stage to deploy to (e.g. 'dev', 'prod')
  // serviceName: 'weshare', // the name of the service (for resource naming)
  domain: '' // <-- ADD YOUR DOMAIN NAME HERE (e.g. '' or '')

Note: If you don't like copy pasting you can instead run mv config.cjs~sample config.cjs)

You only need to specify the domain name but you can also change the default region and the stage.

3. Deployment

To deploy all the stacks you can run:


Warning: The first deployment will need some manual intervention. The deployment will create a new Route 53 hosted zone. You will need to make sure that the DNS are propagated correctly to that new Hosted Zone. This is something that needs to be done DURING THE FIRST DEPLOYMENT. In fact, the deployment will also create a certificate in ACM and it will try to validate it based on resolving some DNS on that hosted zone. Until ACM is able to validate the domain, your deployment will be pending. See below how to manually configure the Hosted zone.

Configure NS records for the new hosted zone

When the new hosted zone is created it gets an NS record that contains 4 different name servers. You will need to update your domain configuration (in your domain provider site) to point to the nameserver to the 4 name servers in this record.

If you need a one-liner on how to get the name servers:

export DOMAIN='' # <-- replace with your actual domain name
aws route53 get-hosted-zone --id $(aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name --dns-name $DOMAIN | jq -r .HostedZones[0].Id) | jq -r .DelegationSet.NameServers[]

If you are using a subdomain (e.g. and you are managing the top-level domain (e.g. with a Hosted Zone in Route53, you can configure a name server delegation with:

export DOMAIN=''
export HOSTED_ZONE_ID=$(aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name --dns-name $TOP_LEVEL_DOMAIN | jq -r .HostedZones[0].Id)
export NAMESERVERS=$(aws route53 get-hosted-zone --id $HOSTED_ZONE_ID | jq '.DelegationSet.NameServers | map({Value: .})')
export COMMAND=$(cat << EOF
  "Comment": "delegating subdomain to hosted zone",
  "Changes": [
      "Action": "UPSERT",
      "ResourceRecordSet": {
        "Name": "${DOMAIN}",
        "Type": "NS",
        "TTL": 300,
        "ResourceRecords":  ${NAMESERVERS}
aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id $HOSTED_ZONE_ID --change-batch "${COMMAND}"

Of course, if this looks like too much code, you can do the same on the AWS web console! 😎

If you know a better way to streamline the first deployment, please create an issue or a PR!

4. Create users in the Cognito User pool

To be able to login into weshare, you need to create some users first. You can do this either from the AWS web console or programmatically.

Here's how to add a new user to the user pool from the AWS CLI:

export USER_POOL_NAME="weshare-user-pool-dev" # <-- update if you changed the `serviceName` or the `stage` in the config
export USERNAME="" # <-- replace with the username you want to add (needs to be an email)
export TEMP_PASS="ChangeMeSoon(1234)" # <-- replace with the temporary password
export USER_POOL_ID=$(aws cognito-idp list-user-pools --max-results 60 | jq -r ".UserPools[] | select(.Name | contains(\"${USER_POOL_NAME}\")) | .Id")
aws cognito-idp admin-create-user --user-pool-id "${USER_POOL_ID}" --username "${USERNAME}" --temporary-password "${TEMP_PASS}"

If all went well you should receive an email with your temporary password. After the first login, you'll be requested to change the password.


  1. Install the weshare CLI with npm i -g weshare
  2. Login using weshare login
  3. Upload a file with weshare <filepath>

For more info use weshare --help


To remove this app from this account you need to:

  1. Delete all the files from your files bucket and the bucket itself
  2. Run ./ to remove all the stacks
  3. Clean up DNS-related changes (e.g. delegation from another hosted zone or name server configuration in your domain provider)


Everyone is very welcome to contribute to this project. You can contribute just by submitting bugs or suggesting improvements by opening an issue on GitHub.


Licensed under MIT License. © Luciano Mammino, Eoin Shanaghy.