Convenient way to parse logs
All you need to parse log file - add "format stirng" and provide line to parse and structure to parse into.
You can specify raw field, which will be filled with raw value (string) of token. Simple:
type s struct {
ID int64 `hunk:"id"`
IDRaw string `hunk:"id_raw"`
For that example format string might be as simple as ":id"
You can use raw values to parse not supported types.
Note that dots in tags are not supported. Embedded structs are not supported too.
- int, int8, int16, int32, int64
- uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64
- bool
- string
- time.Time (with layout and timezone parsing)
- time.Duration
- net.IP
- url.URL
Take a glance on that example (same at example/main.go):
// define your structure with needed field. Notice that you can set *_raw fields, which will be
// filled by raw value
var s struct {
ParsedAtTimestamp time.Time `hunk:"date"`
RemoteUser string `hunk:"remote_user"`
RemoteIP net.IP `hunk:"remote_addr"`
RemoteIPRaw string `hunk:"remote_addr_raw"`
GeoIPCountryCode string `hunk:"geoip_country_code"`
GeoIPCity string `hunk:"geoip_city"`
GcdnTimetamp time.Time `hunk:"time_local"`
GcdnResponderName string `hunk:"responder_name"`
GcdnAPIClientID uint64 `hunk:"gcdn_api_client_id"`
GcdnResourceID int64 `hunk:"gcdn_api_resource_id"`
RQHeaderHost string `hunk:"host"`
RQHeaderUserAgent string `hunk:"http_user_agent"`
RQLength int64 `hunk:"request_length"`
Size uint64 `hunk:"body_bytes_sent"`
HTTPRequestRaw string `hunk:"request"`
HTTPStatus int `hunk:"status"`
HTTPReferer string `hunk:"http_referer"`
HTTPScheme string `hunk:"scheme"`
HTTPRangeRaw string `hunk:"http_range"`
ServerToClientBytesSent uint64 `hunk:"bytes_sent"`
ServerToClientBytesSentRaw string `hunk:"bytes_sent_raw"`
SentHTTPContentSize uint64 `hunk:"sent_http_content_size"`
SentHTTPContentSizeRaw string `hunk:"sent_http_content_size_raw"`
UpstreamResponseTimeRaw string `hunk:"upstream_response_time"`
UpstreamResponseLengthRaw string `hunk:"upstream_response_length"`
CacheStatus string `hunk:"upstream_cache_status"`
ProcessingTime float64 `hunk:"request_time"`
UpstreamIPRaw string `hunk:"upstream_addr"`
UIDCookieGot string `hunk:"uid_got"`
UIDCookieSet string `hunk:"uid_set"`
ShieldUsedRaw string `hunk:"shield_type"`
// define format string
f := `:remote_addr - :remote_user :time_local :request :status ` +
`:body_bytes_sent :http_referer :http_user_agent :bytes_sent :sent_http_content_size ` +
`:scheme :host :request_time :upstream_response_time :request_length :http_range ` +
`:responder_name :upstream_cache_status :upstream_response_length :upstream_addr ` +
`:gcdn_api_client_id :gcdn_api_resource_id :uid_got :uid_set :geoip_country_code ` +
`:geoip_city :shield_type`
// log line
l := `"" "-" "-" "[04/Jan/2018:19:15:39 +0000]" "GET /dino.jpg HTTP/1.1" "200" "207402" "" "saelmon" "207957" "-" "https" "" "0.000" "-" "88" "-" "[gn]" "HIT" "-" "-" "777" "1337" "-" "-" "UA" "-" "shield_no"`
// initialize parser
p, err := NewParser(f, &s)
if err != nil {
// set time parsing format for time_local field and say that all tokens separated by '"'
p.SetTimeLayout("time_local", "[02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700]")
// parse line into s
if err = p.ParseLine(l, &s); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", s)
Note that all concurrency dispatch is lying on your shoulders.
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkParse-4 1000000 1061 ns/op 32 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkParseWithoutTime-4 5000000 406 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkParseRE-4 1000000 2192 ns/op 448 B/op 6 allocs/op
BenchmarkParseREWithoutTime-4 1000000 1246 ns/op 256 B/op 4 allocs/op
If you passing an unsupported interface or structure, dont't start an issue about something goes wrong. If you create structure with raw field of any other type than string, don't be confused.