This repository contains all the required code to deploy a Serverless Dynamic DNS solution in AWS.
CDK will manage the deployment of the following resources:
- Lambda Function
- DynamoDB Table
- Lambda Function IAM Role
The Lambda function will be configured with a FunctionURL for PUBLIC invocation. The Lambda IAM Role will have the following permissions in addition to the standard Lambda role:
- READ (all actions) for the deployed DynamoDB Table
- Route53 List and Change record set
To deploy the CDK stack to an AWS account is suggested to use a CloudShell session:
Clone this repository:
git clone
Install Python requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To test DNS record update on the CloudShell session perl-Digest-SHA
must be installed to add the shasum
sudo yum update
sudo yum install perl-Digest-SHA
If CDK was never used in the deployment account bootstrap it for CDK:
cdk bootstrap
If you get an error about CDK CLI not being up to date run the following:
sudo npm install -g aws-cdk
Then retry
ckd bootstrap
Deploy the stack
cdk deploy
A Route53 Hosted Zone ( is required to update the hostname, the Hosted Zone ID must be included in the configuration and stored in the deployed DynamoDB table using the hostname as key and in the data attribute the following JSON object (Sample configuration):
"route_53_zone_id": "XYZ1234567890",
"route_53_record_ttl": 60,
"shared_secret": "SHARED_SECRET_1"
To facilitate the configuration process execute the included Python script. (Execute this script for each hostname to be configured)
The script will verify CDK stack deployment is deployed, if not it will return:
Dyndns stack not found, ensure the right AWS CLI profile is being used.
If the stack is present but deployment is not completed it will return:
Stack not yet deployed try again in few minutes
if the stack is successfully deployed the script will prompt:
Hosted zone name, i.e.
Type the Hosted Zone name:
If the Hosted Zone does not exist a confirmation prompt will ask for confirmation to create a new one:
Hosted zone not found.
Do you want to create it? (y/n)
to continue orn
to abort.
In the next steps the script will prompt for:
- Hostname (default www. i.e.:
- TTL (default 60)
If the default configuration is correct, just press Enter
to continue, if not for each prompt type the required settings, i.e.
for the hostname etc...
The next prompt will ask to type a shared secret and confirm it. The shared secret will be saved in the JSON configuration and hashed when invoking the Lambda function. Lambda will read the shared secret from DynamoDB and hash it to validate the request is authorized. For example here SHARED_SECRET_123
is provided.
Enter the secret for the new record set.
Confirm the secret:
The script will summarise the configuration and prompt to confirm:
# #
# The following configuration will be saved: #
# #
Host name:
Hosted zone id: ZYZ12345678901234
Record set TTL: 60
# #
# do you want to continue? (y/n) #
# #
Type n
to abort if anything is incorrect.
If a Hosted Zone was created during the configuration, a prompt will ask confirmation to delete the created Hosted Zone:
Type y
to confirm and save the configuration:
# #
# The Serverless Dynamic DNS solution is now ready. #
# #
##################################################### can be updated with the following command:
./ -m set -u -h -s SHARED_SECRET_123
The bash script provided, can be use to invoke the deployed Lambda URL. This can be run via a CRON or SystemD timer to periodically update your hostname. provides all the flags to successfully run the script:
./ -m set -u -h -s SHARED_SECRET_123
More information on how to invoke the Lambda URL can be found here: