This repository contains source code that we used to perform experiment in "JITLine: A Simpler, Better, Faster, Finer-grained Just-In-Time Defect Prediction" paper.
Please follow the steps below to reproduce the result
Run the following command in terminal (or command line) to prepare virtual environment
git clone
cd ./JITLine-replication-package/JITLine/
conda env create --file requirements.yml
conda activate JITLine
Download files from Zenodo. (the dataset is stored in ./JITLine/data/). Then, put the dataset in ./JITLine/data/ of the cloned repository.
Open and run all cells in "JITLine_RQ1-RQ3.ipynb"
Note: To reproduce the result of this RQ, "JITLine_RQ1-RQ3.ipynb" must be run first
Open and run all cells in "JITLine_RQ4.ipynb"