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souryacs committed Mar 24, 2018
1 parent 2465421 commit 81d6276
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Showing 3 changed files with 2,113 additions and 127 deletions.
120 changes: 71 additions & 49 deletions src/BiasCalc.r
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@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

# R script for computing the bias of peaks and non peak segments
# currently the computation uses only the coverage values
# R script for producing bin specific coverage, ispeak, and bias information
# if the bias file is provided externally (ICE specific bias), it is appended
# otherwise, coverage specific bias is computed, and bias is separated for peaks and non-peaks

#Author: Sourya Bhattacharyya
#Vijay-Ay lab, LJI

option_list = list(
make_option(c("--CoverageFile"), type="character", default=NULL, help="File containing the Coverage information for individual bins", metavar="CoverageFile"),
make_option(c("--OutFile"), type="character", default=NULL, help="Output file containing coverage + bias information", metavar="OutFile")
make_option(c("--CoverageFile"), type="character", default=NULL, help="File containing the Coverage information for individual bins"),
make_option(c("--BiasFile"), type="character", default=NULL, help="If specified, contains the ICE bias for individual bins"),
make_option(c("--OutFile"), type="character", default=NULL, help="Output file containing coverage + bias information")

opt_parser = OptionParser(option_list=option_list);
Expand All @@ -23,61 +25,81 @@ opt = parse_args(opt_parser);
CoverageFeat <- read.table(opt$CoverageFile, header=T)
# colnames(CoverageFeat) <- c("chr1","s1","e1","coverage","isPeak")

# directory containing the coverage file
inpdir <- dirname(opt$CoverageFile)

# create a bias vector of the same size as the number of
# genomic intervals
BiasVec <- matrix(0, nrow(CoverageFeat), 1)

# find the indices corresponding to peak and non peaks
PeakIdx <- which(CoverageFeat[,5] == 1)
NonPeakIdx <- which(CoverageFeat[,5] == 0)

# note the indices having peak information and non zero coverage
PeakIDXNonZeroCoverage <- intersect(which(CoverageFeat[,4]> 0), which(CoverageFeat[,5]==1))

# note the indices of non peak and non zero coverage
nonPeakIDXNonZeroCoverage <- intersect(which(CoverageFeat[,4]> 0), which(CoverageFeat[,5]==0))

# process the bias associated with peak segments
if (length(PeakIDXNonZeroCoverage) > 0) {

# coverage values (non zero) of the peak segments
CoveragePeakVec <- CoverageFeat[PeakIDXNonZeroCoverage, 4]

# mean value of these coverages
meanCoverage <- mean(CoveragePeakVec)

# copy the mean divided coverage values in the appropriate indices of the bias vector
for (x in PeakIdx) {
BiasVec[x] <- CoverageFeat[x, 4] / meanCoverage
# if bias file is not provided (no external ICE bias)
# then compute the bias from the coverage information
# separately process the peaks and non peaks
if (is.null(opt$BiasFile)) {

# create a bias vector of the same size as the number of
# genomic intervals
BiasVec <- matrix(0, nrow(CoverageFeat), 1)

# find the indices corresponding to peak and non peaks
PeakIdx <- which(CoverageFeat[,5] == 1)
NonPeakIdx <- which(CoverageFeat[,5] == 0)

# note the indices having peak information and non zero coverage
PeakIDXNonZeroCoverage <- intersect(which(CoverageFeat[,4]> 0), which(CoverageFeat[,5]==1))

# note the indices of non peak and non zero coverage
nonPeakIDXNonZeroCoverage <- intersect(which(CoverageFeat[,4]> 0), which(CoverageFeat[,5]==0))

# process the bias associated with peak segments
if (length(PeakIDXNonZeroCoverage) > 0) {

# coverage values (non zero) of the peak segments
CoveragePeakVec <- CoverageFeat[PeakIDXNonZeroCoverage, 4]

# mean value of these coverages
meanCoverage <- mean(CoveragePeakVec)

# copy the mean divided coverage values in the appropriate indices of the bias vector
for (x in PeakIdx) {
BiasVec[x] <- CoverageFeat[x, 4] / meanCoverage

# process the bias associated with non-peak segments
if (length(nonPeakIDXNonZeroCoverage) > 0) {
# process the bias associated with non-peak segments
if (length(nonPeakIDXNonZeroCoverage) > 0) {

# coverage values (non zero) of the non peak segments
CoverageNonPeakVec <- CoverageFeat[nonPeakIDXNonZeroCoverage, 4]
# coverage values (non zero) of the non peak segments
CoverageNonPeakVec <- CoverageFeat[nonPeakIDXNonZeroCoverage, 4]

# mean value of these coverages
meanCoverage <- mean(CoverageNonPeakVec)
# mean value of these coverages
meanCoverage <- mean(CoverageNonPeakVec)

# copy the mean divided coverage values in the appropriate indices of the bias vector
for (x in NonPeakIdx) {
BiasVec[x] <- CoverageFeat[x, 4] / meanCoverage
# copy the mean divided coverage values in the appropriate indices of the bias vector
for (x in NonPeakIdx) {
BiasVec[x] <- CoverageFeat[x, 4] / meanCoverage

# now append the bias values with the original coverage statistics
# and overwrite the existing coverage file
OutCoverage.df <- cbind(CoverageFeat, BiasVec)
colnames(OutCoverage.df) <- c(colnames(CoverageFeat), 'Bias')
write.table(OutCoverage.df, opt$OutFile, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote=FALSE, append=FALSE)
# now append the bias values with the original coverage statistics
# and overwrite the existing coverage file
OutCoverage.df <- cbind(CoverageFeat, BiasVec)
colnames(OutCoverage.df) <- c(colnames(CoverageFeat), 'Bias')
write.table(OutCoverage.df, opt$OutFile, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote=FALSE, append=FALSE)

} else {

# first read the external bias information (without any header)
BiasFeat <- read.table(opt$BiasFile, header=F)
colnames(BiasFeat) <- c("Chr","Start","End","Bias")

# merge with respect to the 1st three fields of either data (chromosome interval)
OutCoverage.df <- merge(x=CoverageFeat, y=BiasFeat, by.x=colnames(CoverageFeat)[1:3], by.y=colnames(BiasFeat)[1:3])
colnames(OutCoverage.df) <- c(colnames(CoverageFeat), "Bias")

# write the data frame in a temporary file
# since the data frame may not be sorted
temp_outfile <- paste0(opt$OutFile, '_temp')
write.table(OutCoverage.df, temp_outfile, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote=FALSE, append=FALSE)

# sort the output data frame with respect to first three columns
# and write it in the final output file
system(paste('sort -k1,1 -k2,2n', temp_outfile, '>', opt$OutFile))
system(paste('rm', temp_outfile))



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