Hi there 👋 I'm Ayaan.
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OpenGL Test Sandbox, The way this sandbox application works is that, it's has a Test Menu type window which consists of different type of OpenGL stuff such as Texture2D, Texture 3D, Frame Buffers, …
C++ 1
Java Swing based CPU Scheduling Algorithm Visualizer able to visualize First come first serve algorithm, Non premptive Shortest Job First Algorithm, Preemptive shortest job first algorithm, Non pre…
A sorting algorithm visualizer able to visualize Bubble sort, insertion sort, quick sort, selection sort. written using SFML and Dear ImGUI. Under MIT License.
C++ 4
xlogger is a simple header only logging provider for C++ applications. Using xlogger no need to worry about anything just copy the header file in your project include directory and start using it. …