pnpm i && pnpm dev
- Extends on this - Package starter
- ⚡️tsup - The simplest and fastest way to bundle your TypeScript libraries. Used to bundle package as ESM and CJS modules. Supports TypeScript, Code Splitting, PostCSS, and more out of the box.
- 📖 Storybook - Build UI components and pages in isolation. It streamlines UI development, testing, and documentation.
- 🧪 Vitest - A testing framework for JavaScript. Preconfigured to work with TypeScript and JSX.
- 🔼 Release-it - release-it is a command line tool to automatically generate a new GitHub Release and populates it with the changes (commits) made since the last release.
- 🐙 Test & Publish via Github Actions - CI/CD workflows for your package. Run tests on every commit plus integrate with Github Releases to automate publishing package to NPM and Storybook to Github Pages.
- 📄 Commitizen — When you commit with Commitizen, you'll be prompted to fill out any required commit fields at commit time.
- 🐶 Husky — Run scripts before committing.
- 🚫 lint-staged — Run linters on git staged files
- 🤖 Dependabot - Github powered dependency update tool that fits into your workflows. Configured to periodically check your dependencies for updates and send automated pull requests.
- ☑️ ESLint - A linter for JavaScript. Includes a simple configuration for React projects based on the recommended ESLint and AirBnB configs.
- 🎨 Prettier - An opinionated code formatter.
- 🏃♀️➡️ TSX - Execute TypeScript files with zero-config in a Node.js environment.
- 🖌️ Tailwind - Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.
pnpm dev
pnpm test
Build package with tsup
for production.
pnpm build
To execute a file written in TypeScript inside a Node.js environment, use the tsx
command. This will detect your tsconfig.json
and run the file with the correct configuration. This is perfect for running custom scripts while remaining type-safe.
pnpm tsx ./path/to/file.ts
This is useful for running scripts, starting a server, or any other code you want to run while remaining type-safe.
Often times you want to link
this package to another project when developing locally, circumventing the need to publish to NPM to consume it.
In a project where you want to consume your package run:
pnpm link my-package --global
Learn more about package linking here.
When you are ready to commit simply run the following command to get a well formatted commit message. All staged files will automatically be linted and fixed as well.
pnpm commit
Create a semantic version tag and publish to Github Releases. When a new release is detected a Github Action will automatically build the package and publish it to NPM. Additionally, a Storybook will be published to Github pages.
Learn more about how to use the release-it
command here.
pnpm release
When you are ready to publish to NPM simply run the following command:
pnpm publish
❗Important note: in order to automatically publish a Storybook on Github Pages you need to open your repository settings, navigate to "Actions" and enable "Read & write permissions" for Workflows. Then navigate to "Pages" and choose "GitHub Actions" as the source for the Build and Deployment. After a successful deployment you can find your Storybook at https://<your-github-username><your-repository-name>/
❗Important note: in order to publish package to NPM you must add your token as a Github Action secret. Learn more on how to configure your repository and publish packages through Github Actions here.
Run the following command:
pnpm dlx create-turbo@latest -e with-tailwind my-package pnpm
cd packages
git submodule add
pnpm add @repo/ayasofyazilim-ui --filter web
- Update apps/web/tailwind.config.ts
// tailwind config is required for editor support
import type { Config } from 'tailwindcss';
import sharedConfig from '@repo/tailwind-config';
const config: Pick<Config, 'content' | 'presets' | 'theme'> = {
content: [
presets: [sharedConfig],
theme: {
container: {
center: true,
padding: '2rem',
screens: {
'2xl': '1400px',
extend: {
colors: {
border: 'hsl(var(--border))',
input: 'hsl(var(--input))',
ring: 'hsl(var(--ring))',
background: 'hsl(var(--background))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--foreground))',
primary: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--primary))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--primary-foreground))',
secondary: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--secondary))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--secondary-foreground))',
destructive: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--destructive))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--destructive-foreground))',
muted: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--muted))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--muted-foreground))',
accent: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--accent))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--accent-foreground))',
popover: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--popover))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--popover-foreground))',
card: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--card))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--card-foreground))',
borderRadius: {
lg: 'var(--radius)',
md: 'calc(var(--radius) - 2px)',
sm: 'calc(var(--radius) - 4px)',
keyframes: {
'accordion-down': {
from: { height: '0' },
to: { height: 'var(--radix-accordion-content-height)' },
'accordion-up': {
from: { height: 'var(--radix-accordion-content-height)' },
to: { height: '0' },
animation: {
'accordion-down': 'accordion-down 0.2s ease-out',
'accordion-up': 'accordion-up 0.2s ease-out',
export default config;
- Update apps/web/src/app/globals.css
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
@layer base {
:root {
--background: 0 0% 100%;
--foreground: 240 10% 3.9%;
--card: 0 0% 100%;
--card-foreground: 240 10% 3.9%;
--popover: 0 0% 100%;
--popover-foreground: 240 10% 3.9%;
--primary: 142.1 76.2% 36.3%;
--primary-foreground: 355.7 100% 97.3%;
--secondary: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
--secondary-foreground: 240 5.9% 10%;
--muted: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
--muted-foreground: 240 3.8% 46.1%;
--accent: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
--accent-foreground: 240 5.9% 10%;
--destructive: 0 84.2% 60.2%;
--destructive-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
--border: 240 5.9% 90%;
--input: 240 5.9% 90%;
--ring: 142.1 76.2% 36.3%;
--radius: 0rem;
.dark {
--background: 20 14.3% 4.1%;
--foreground: 0 0% 95%;
--card: 24 9.8% 10%;
--card-foreground: 0 0% 95%;
--popover: 0 0% 9%;
--popover-foreground: 0 0% 95%;
--primary: 142.1 70.6% 45.3%;
--primary-foreground: 144.9 80.4% 10%;
--secondary: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
--secondary-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
--muted: 0 0% 15%;
--muted-foreground: 240 5% 64.9%;
--accent: 12 6.5% 15.1%;
--accent-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
--destructive: 0 62.8% 30.6%;
--destructive-foreground: 0 85.7% 97.3%;
--border: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
--input: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
--ring: 142.4 71.8% 29.2%;
import { Button } from '@repo/ayasofyazilim-ui/button';
<Button variant={'destructive'}>Test</Button>