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Ugly Sweater Voting App

Enter and cast votes for an Ugly Sweater contest using SMS.

Netlify Status License

This app consists of a Dashboard displaying the status of the contest and a serverless backend that will facilitate bootstrapping the dashboard and handling updates from SMS messages using websockets.

To enter, text a picture with the contest and name to enter.

To cast a vote, text the context and name of the entry.



application workflow

Database Schema

These tables can be created using Prisma Migrate

npx prisma migrate dev --name init

A sql script has also been provided to create the following tables.


  • id - UUID
  • name - STRING
  • description - STRING
  • max_votes - INT (Max number of votes per voter)


  • id - UUID
  • contest_id - UUID
  • name - STRING
  • picture - BYTES (1 MB max)
  • picture_type - STRING


  • contest_id - UUID
  • entry_id - UUID
  • voter_id - STRING (hashed phone number)

Getting Started

CockroachDB Serverless Configuration

OR Execute the provided script using the SQL client to create the database and tables;

cockroach sql --url [Connection string] --file ./scripts/init_database.sql

Twilio SMS Configuration

  • Sign up for a free Twilio Trial Account
  • Configure the Messaging Wehook - In the Twilio phone number configuration, set the Messageing > "A Message Comes In" to Webhook with the url https://{your-netlify-site-name}.app/webhooks/twilio and select HTTP POST.
  • Note the Auth Token and phone number for the environment variables below.

NOTE This app will only work with verified phone numbers while using a Twilio trial account.

Pusher Channels Configuration

  • Create a free Pusher Channels Account
  • Create a new Channels app named ugly-sweater-app
  • Use the App Keys for the Pusher environment variables below

Installation options

Option one: One-click deploy

Deploy to Netlify

Clicking this button will create a new repo for you that looks like this one, and sets that repo up immediately for deployment on Netlify. You will be prompted for a repo name and to provide the values for the following environment variables:

  • Postgres Connection String (DATABASE_URL), required You can find this in the Connect model in the Cockroach Labs Cloud Console
  • Twilio Configuration
    • Auth Token (TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN), required
    • Phone number (NEXT_PUBLIC_TWILIO_NUMBER), required
  • Pusher Channels Configuration
    • Applicaiton ID (PUSHER_APP_ID), required
    • Secret (PUSHER_SECRET), required
    • Key (NEXT_PUBLIC_PUSHER_KEY), required
    • Cluster (NEXT_PUBLIC_PUSHER_CLUSTER), required

Option two: Manual clone

You will need to install the Netlify CLI and connect it to your Netlify site to run locally.

  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. Navigate to the directory and run ntl init to connect to Netlify
  3. Add the above environment variables using ntl env:set [env var] [value]
  4. Run the app locally using ntl dev
  5. Make any changes and push to your repo to deploy.