This is a rewrite based on NvChad ui. This is more suitable for educational purposes to understand Neovim API and how plugins work.
The statusline is returned by templates.{choice}.run()
The modes and their highlights groups are in modes.lua
All the helper functions to get modes, file info, LSP info, gits.. are
in common.lua
The file info section needs web-devicons to use filetype specific icons.
- Lazy.nvim
opts = {
theme = "vscode"
dependencies = {
"nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", -- for file name icon, optional
theme = "vscode",
position_min_width = 140,
overriden_modules = false,
lsprogress_len = nil,
git_changes_min_width = 120,
LSP_progress_min_width = 120,
icons = {
modified = "",
mode = "",
default_file = "",
git_branch = "",
cwd = "",
git_changes = { added = "", changed = "", removed = "" },
lsp = "",
diagnostics = {
error = "",
warn = "",
hint = "",
info = "",
spinners = {