- EXPERIMENTAL tool to taxonomically classify microbial genomes in a few minutes
COPYRIGHT="Copyright (C) 2022 Ayixon Sánchez Reyes"
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
+DEPENDENCIES: Mash; JolyTree, apcalc, ncbi-entrez-direct, orthoani, Blast, Biopython, bPTP, mptp
Before you begin, install the following:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y build-essential
Install the dependencies
sudo apt install -y mptp apcalc ncbi-entrez-direct ncbi-blast+
Note: in some distribution ncbi-blast+ from aptitude doesn´t work. Install with conda instead
Install Python packages
pip install orthoani
Install Conda packages
mamba install -y -c bioconda jolytree
mamba install -y -c bfurneaux bptp
./GenoScanner.sh -i <input_file> -d <database_file> -m <model>
" -i <input_file> Input fasta, fna, or fa archive"
" -d <database_file> Database file in .msh format"
" -m <model> Select between two models: mptp or bptp"
" -h Display this help message"
- (bPTP is the default option in our program because it works best for the speciation hypothesis, according to our experience.
- The working directory must contain the mash database (.msh) and the query genome in fasta format
Download preconfigured database here Mash DB format .msh
This database contains ~18,000 genomic records with standing in nomenclature
Rational: Compare a query_genome vs a curated MASH database; select the nearest phylogenetic neighbors; Estimate the ANI of the query vs the references; store the genomes in a folder and pass them to JolyTree for phylogenetic estimation. Finally, the tree is subjected to speciation hypothesis testing under Poisson Tree Processes Model.
Fast genome classifier deals with the "Phylophenetic Species Concept" by testing following hypotheses:
The Genomic Coherence measured through the genomic distance of Mash and ANI
The phylogenetic hypothesis of monophyly
The molecular speciation under Poisson Tree Processes Model
@@ Ayixon Sánchez-Reyes ayixon@gmail.com @@
Computational Microbiology
Microbiological Observatory
Institute of Biotechnology, UNAM, Cuernavaca, MEXICO
VERSION=1.0. Written by Ayixon Sánchez Reyes